Excessive coffee can form drug dependence

According to the British "Daily Mail" report, a new study found that people who drink coffee will not become more awake than those who do not drink. Not only that, but often drinking coffee can lead to drug dependence. Every morning, millions of people choose to drink coffee or tea, which is said to be refreshing and refreshing. However, the British "Daily Mail" reported that the latest study showed that these drinks are not as powerful and sobering. In fact, this practice relies only on caffeine to eliminate the symptoms of “caffeine withdrawal” such as fatigue, mental fatigue and headaches. Experts say that always drinking coffee and tea is actually a manifestation of medicinal properties.


“People who regularly consume caffeine will eventually become dependent on it. If you keep them away from caffeine, their performance will be lower than normal.” Professor of Biopsychology, Bristol University, UK Peter Rogers, a caffeine research expert, said, "Without the help of this drug, their behavior can't be maintained. If this is the first cup of tea or coffee in your day, it can really restore you to normal levels. But if you have more, you won't get more stimulation."

Professor Rogers has studied coffee and its role for more than 20 years, and he and other partners in the research team have given up on caffeine. “Overall, caffeine doesn’t help anything. It triggers the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal and increases blood pressure. These are not good things. I sometimes feel that the biggest role of my research is in my unit, my four. Five colleagues have given up on caffeine and we all drink decaffeinated coffee."

The argument that caffeine does not make the brain active may sound a bit absurd, but it is the result of Professor Rogers's research. In one of the key studies, about 300 volunteers were divided into two categories, one with a high level of caffeine intake and the other with low caffeine intake, who were arranged for 16 hours without coffee. And then randomly divided into two groups to receive the test, respectively, to get a placebo or coffee. The results were very interesting, although people who were often with coffee had improved their spirits after drinking coffee, but the level of alertness was consistent with another group of people who received a placebo. This means that drinking coffee does not make people more awake than not drinking coffee. The study has been published in journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

Another study by Professor Rogers on 300 volunteers shows that drinking coffee does not make people more awake, concentrated or responsive, and its role is simply to keep you awake. “I drank coffee and drove across Europe, I know it will keep me awake. But if I have to write a scientific paper late at night, coffee can't keep me focused or thinking.”

Caffeine can kill a chemical called adenosine in the brain. Normally, adenosine causes a slower body reaction, and since caffeine prevents the chemical from approaching the cell, it means that an accelerated car has no brakes. But once a few hours have passed, when the caffeine addiction episode occurs, people will have symptoms similar to the flu. Because a large amount of adenosine continuously impacts the human body, people feel tired and many people even have headaches. Professor Rogers explained that this is because caffeine narrows the blood vessels in the brain, so when the coffee is stopped, the blood flow increases, causing headaches.

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Professor Rogers said: "Sometimes, when I drink coffee for a few days, once I don't drink, I feel uncomfortable and feel like I have a cold. But then I found out that this is the symptom of the so-called caffeine addiction disorder. ”

How to balance caffeine damage

Minimize the Damages scientists point out that if drinking coffee can make you wake up, this effect means that you are already addicted to coffee, then you need to stop drinking coffee. In addition to causing the body to rely on drugs, other effects of caffeine are beneficial to health, or harmful. This week, there may be a report that caffeine is good for people, and another week's report says it is not good for human health. The opinion of this expert is the opposite.

“Caffeine raises blood pressure, which is a proven, reliable view,” said Jack James, a psychologist at Reykjavik University in Iceland. “Although the value of blood pressure is negligible, However, if you continue to consume caffeine throughout your life, the impact on the clinical perspective may be significant. I believe that caffeine intake will be considered as one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the future."

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Another paper by Professor James in the Journal of Caffeine Research points out that people who regularly consume caffeine have a 14% higher chance of early death from coronary heart disease, and the risk of death from stroke Increase by 20%.

A few weeks ago, a study by Austrian scientists said that the chemical chlorogenic acid in coffee increased the risk of diabetes and even caused the body to store excess fat. The study was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. After the researchers injected the chlorogenic acid equivalent to five or six cups of coffee a day for the mice, the body of the mice became unable to control blood sugar, became insulin-resistant, and it was difficult to lose weight.

Other studies have shown that regular coffee and tea can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. In fact, Harvard researchers conducted a large study that analyzed the results of five studies, reaching 140,000 people, proving that the right amount and coffee (4 cups a day) can reduce the risk of heart failure. "Journal Circulation".

“More and more research shows that coffee is beneficial, and this paper is a new piece of evidence,” said Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky, who is studying for postdoc. Drinking coffee can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers. However, as with any diet, moderate intake is key. Dr. Mostovsky said that if you drink 10 cups of coffee a day, "it may be harmful." In addition, her early research showed that the short-term peak blood pressure caused by drinking coffee may increase the risk of stroke, and drinking tea does not have this problem.

Professor Rogers pointed out that in fact, the benefits of coffee and tea come from the antioxidants, which can reduce the body's inflammatory response. Inflammation in the human body is considered to be one of the key causes of many diseases, including stroke, cardiovascular disease and cancer, while antioxidants in tea and coffee can reduce the risk of these diseases. Therefore, Professor Rogers drinks caffeine-free tea and coffee every day, about 5 cups of tea and a cup of coffee a day.

However, Professor Rogers reminds people that other coffee-based functional beverages can't have a similar effect. More and more caffeine products will only increase people's drug use. “The compounds in tea and coffee produce beneficial health effects, but other beverages, such as energy drinks, do not have this natural compound to balance the negative effects of caffeine.”

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