As people care about the impact of bottled water on the environment and their own cost, people also understand more about the various processes of bottled water. In 2007, the focus of media attention turned to the energy needed to produce bottled water. The editor of an influential newspaper (such as The New York Times) has quoted us that the annual energy consumption of bottled drinking water in the United States is equivalent to burning 1.5 million. The barrel of fuel, this analysis is not consistent with the Pacific Institution and the American Container Recycling Institution (AmericanContainerResuseIstitute) statement, both institutions have conducted a lot of research in bottled water. A recent study by the Pacific Institute of the United States shows that the actual figure may be more than 10 times the number published by The New York Times.
Bottled water and energy
Bottled water requires energy during its production and use, including water collection, treatment and transportation of water to the factory, as well as irrigation, packaging, transportation, cooling, empty bottle recycling, etc., to other water sectors and consumers. The calculation of the energy consumed by bottled water is complex. It also includes the texture of plastic bottles, materials, packaging materials, and transportation methods.
The Pacific Institute found that in 2006 alone, the country’s plastics used to produce bottled water consumed the equivalent of 17 million barrels of fuel, which was enough for 1 million cars or trucks to drive for 1 year. The 1.5 million barrels of statistics received was a mistake, mainly due to the miscommunication between researchers and journalists in 2003.
Example, bottled water in the United States in 2006
According to statistics from the Beverage Marketing Cooperative Institute, the US sold a total of 31.2 billion liters of plastic bottles for water use in 2006, mostly through retail sales. For example, the bottles used in schools, homes, and offices are mainly PET plastics. The amount of PET plastic used depends on the thickness and quantity of the bottle. According to statistical analysis by the Pacific Institute, a plastic bottle with a capacity of one liter is currently about 38 grams (excluding bottle caps). This assessment may be slightly higher because people prefer to use lighter plastic bottles for carbonated beverages. At 32 grams per liter, including processing packaging and waste-forming plastics, only about 1 million tons of PET plastic was needed in 2006 to produce US bottled water.
Energy to make PET plastic bottles
PET plastics are extracted from petroleum, such as natural gas, gasoline, etc. The production of PET plastics also requires other energy, such as electric energy and heat energy. The European plastics production industry has found that the production of a ton of PET plastic requires about 830 billion joules of coke energy. It is also estimated that an additional 20 billion kJ of energy is required for the transportation and conversion of raw materials for plastics production. With the addition of molds and the like, approximately 100 billion kJ of energy per ton of PET plastic production is required.
in conclusion
Since 2000 U.S. bottled water production requires approximately 1 million tons of PET plastic, approximately 100 billion kilojoules of energy are needed, and US barrels of fuel contain approximately 6,000 kilojoules of energy, so the production of these plastic bottles will require approximately 17 million barrels of fuel, which is enough. One million cars are open for one year.
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