Paper bursting machine adjustment method

Paper bursting machine adjustment method

Dongguan Haida Instrument 400-071-1808/0769-89280808

First, the test value is not accurate or too small

The main reason is that the air in the cylinder has not been removed and the pressure of the oil has risen. The solution is as follows:

1. Loosen the oil cup bolts.

2 , tap the rubber membrane a few times, if there is air, bubbles will emerge from the oil cup.

3 , hold the rubber film for about ten seconds until the air is exhausted, tighten the bolts.

4. If you can't achieve the ideal status after completing the above three points, you can click the reset button, waiting for 5 to 10 seconds to wait for the machine to automatically back pressure, and then open the oil cup bolt, wait for the rubber membrane to automatically bulge, and repeatedly click the test button, ie Can exclude air.

Second, playing a slightly thicker cardboard cracking is less

The KD series burst strength tester has a large proportion of break points set inside the system at the time of delivery, which is suitable for most manufacturers. If the tested cardboard is thick, the following methods can be used to adjust:

The solution is as follows:

1 , turn off the machine power switch.

2 , start the machine power switch, while holding down the set button, enter the system settings interface.

3. The time setting page displayed on the first page, the setting key is a shift function, the print key is an increase value, the peak key is a confirm function, and the next interface is entered.

4 , the second interface is the time setting page, click the peak key to type the third page, which is the breakpoint ratio setting page

5 , the general paper object after 20KG , the breakpoint ratio is adjusted to 80 to meet the cracking requirements, the smaller the breakpoint, the greater the breakage value of the sensor capture, the greater the breakpoint ratio, the smaller the sensor capture, So we can adjust the breakpoint to about 60 when we ask for a thick cardboard . However, we remind our customers to not adjust the breakpoint ratio too small, which will reduce the service life of the rubber film.

Face Powder

What are the functions of face powder?

1. Make up is lasting. This is its most basic function, and it is also the most recognized and familiar function, because if you do not fix makeup, it is easy to spend makeup, and will also take off makeup. With powder powder, these problems will be solved.

2. Concealer. Loose powder also has a concealer effect, which can block the defects on the face that cannot be covered by liquid foundation or air cushion. It also has the function of hiding large pores. If there are prominent pores or blackheads, it can be solved by powder dispersion.

3. Absorb oil and brighten skin. The powder has a strong adsorption effect on oil. Whether it is applied on the face or hair, it can ensure the dryness of the skin and hair, without worrying about too bright oil. And its brightening effect on skin color is obvious.

Face Powder,Makeup Setting Powder,Loose Setting Powder

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