Graphical veneer (figure)

Veneer is commonly known as the panel. It is a decorative board with a single-sided decorative effect, which is made by cutting the solid wood board into a super-thin veneer with a thickness of about 0.2 mm as a surface layer and a splint as a base material. It is a special way of splint existence, the thickness is 3mm, the good panel can even reach 5mm, but the market in Nantong is 2.5-2.8mm. The name of the panel is distinguished according to the type of veneer. The panels used in Nantong's home decoration are: red enamel, white peony, red walnut, black walnut, purple rose, teak, sapele, maple, and higher grade. There are oak and so on.

The role of the veneer is to cover the surface of various types of substrates, such as furniture, door and window covers, baseboards, door panels, etc., to play a decorative role, different design styles will use different veneers.

The selection panel can be viewed from the following aspects:
(1) Thickness of the veneer of the surface layer The thicker the thickness, the better the solid wood feel after the paint is applied. The thickness of the surface layer can be directly observed from the edge of the board. In addition, water can be dripped on the surface of the panel. If the bottom is formed, the surface layer is thin.
(2) Substrate material The substrate is better with Liuqi, but the price is also higher. The Nantong market currently has more poplar wood. The poor substrate is easy to deform and the four sides are tilted when the humidity in the air changes.
(3) Appearance The panel texture should be arranged in accordance with the rules and color coordination. In the 1.5m from the board, the visible black spots, thrift and stitching should be invisible.
The panel should be protected during transportation and during construction. Do not stick stains on the surface of the panel. Do not wear the corners because stains (especially light panels such as maple) and worn panel merchants are no longer accepted for return. The formal decoration company will apply a varnish to protect the panel immediately after the panel enters the scene. If the panel is not enough for replenishment during construction, it is best to bring a trim of the original panel to avoid the color difference between the newly added panel and the original panel. The decorative panel adopts a clear water process during the construction of the paint.

When the veneer is painted, the color will become darker. The color of the panel after the water is basically the color after the paint.

There are two factors in determining the price of the veneer. One is the substrate, which has already been mentioned above. The second is the veneer material. The rarer the veneer tree, the more expensive the veneer. The price of different veneers is very different, like the price of ordinary red slabs is around 30, and the expensive ones can be sold for more than one hundred. There is also a kind of artificial veneer, which replaces natural veneer with artificially produced finishes. The texture of the veneer does not look as comfortable as a natural veneer.

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