Creo launches new label printing materials

A few days ago, Creo and Acucote announced that they signed an exclusive agreement to jointly produce anti-counterfeit label printing materials. The material is a self-adhesive label that incorporates Creo Traceless markers and Acucote label materials. The client targets label processors of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, clothing, food, and canned products.

Creo Markless and Sensorless is a patented technology that creates unique, invisible codes. These codes can be used for anti-counterfeiting, inventory management, product tracking or brand certification. Only Creo readers can detect the presence of a safety marker. In addition to labeling materials, Creo labels can be added to pulp, textile fibers, printing inks, toners for photocopiers or printers, molded or extruded plastics, paints and building materials, molten metal or glass, Fertilizer, explosives, dyes and other substances. Creo product safety and certification systems include markers, electronic sensing and imaging devices, and database-based software.

The exclusive agreement of Creo and Acucote will authorize Acucote to produce professional brand-authenticated label materials, with a view to providing solutions for countless product anti-counterfeiting, document certification and brand safety worldwide. Acucote, Inc., a North Carolina-based manufacturer of pressure-sensitive label materials. Creo and Acucote have sent experts and expect low-cost, machine-readable and anti-counterfeiting label solutions to be brought to market soon.

“The new label material will be an effective brand for companies to defend their weapons and create brand value for companies through anti-counterfeit.” said Lynn Crutchfield, Executive Vice President of Acucote. “In the future, we expect to see Creo reading in many industries.” The device will be certified on the Acucote material, which will cover all areas, from high-value luxury goods to low-cost consumer products.We are deeply honored that Creo will be our technological partner.Crio’s unique technology is The perfect complement to our products. From the company's point of view, Creo's philosophy and market are consistent with us."

Consumer market analysts estimate that the cost of product anti-counterfeiting in the world will be as much as US$450 billion. Large European and North American companies often produce products in foreign countries, and foreign manufacturers sometimes violate the contract. In addition to producing products for these companies, they also counterfeit the production of products, and even labels are printed exactly the same. The Creo Marker and Acucote labeling materials provide an effective solution to this problem: companies can effectively prevent the proliferation of counterfeit products by simply authorizing the local trusted label supplier to specify a certain number of anti-counterfeiting labels.

After the emergence of the product anti-counterfeiting system, counterfeiters spared no effort to imitate the anti-counterfeit form to deceive consumers and brand identification systems. Creo's seamless marking and sensing system takes the lead in this area: traceless markers are invisible, and the percentage of label material is more than 2 parts per million, and only Creo's Reader can read. Creo's reader has multiple marker identifiers and a single marker identifier. Copying or counterfeiting a tag using this technology is almost impossible because counterfeiters could not find the Creo label in the label material even with the most advanced identification technology.

Creo certified products include standard, custom, and custom types; there are also readers that can verify the location of Creo indelible markers and record the shape of the markers in each state; even databases are included. Individual projects are tracked.

"The Creo Marker system is random because of the appearance of the markers, so its application goes further, as the characteristics of each commodity are unique, just like fingerprints," said Creo Global Business, New Security and Certified Commerce. Kevin Harrell, Development Director, said, “This 'signature image signal' is the ultimate choice for the product brand, regardless of medicine, cosmetics or clothing, the company can even manage and certify through the database.The image signal of the marker can be read by the machine Take, the reading speed on the production line can be as high as 100 times per second (360000 times per hour). Government departments can also use this system to check stamps, track banknotes to prevent money laundering, or track financial movements of terrorist activities."

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