Travel Listed Drugs - Harge
Traveler diarrhea:
Immoderolide (Imodium-AD, Diamode), made in China.
Ofloxacin (Floxin): For the treatment of moderate to severe travelers diarrhea.
Levaquin: Self-treatment for other infections. Broad-spectrum antibacterial, effective for various infections.
Azithromycin: Can be used as an alternative antibiotic.
Antibiotic eye drops:
Contact lens wearer must-haves.
Antifungal drugs:
Fluconazole tablets.
Foot antifungal ointment:
Ketoconazole and clotrimzone ointment.
Treatment of rash drugs:
Corticosteroid ointments such as Cortaid and Topicort are effective for treating rashes.
Cetirizine, Keminol-D, is used to treat allergic reactions and rhinitis (hay fever).
Aluminum hydroxide or calcium carbonate preparations.
Buprofen (eg Motrin, Advil), Tylenol, etc.
Cold medicine:
According to personal preferences, such as white plus black, Contac, and so on.
Nasal Spray:
Oxymetazoline, phenylephrine.
Oral rehydration preparations:
Premixed Oral Tehydration Solution (ORS) for moderate to severe dehydration oral rehydration caused by diarrhea, malaria and other diseases. Such as: WHO, Ceralyte.
Malaria prevention drugs:
Doxorubicin (Vibramycin, Doryx), 100 mg daily, started 1 day before departure and daily 4 weeks after leaving.
Malarone, which is expensive, is taken from the day before departure to 7 days after leaving and it is a day. If you suspect you have malaria and you are not receiving effective treatment within 48 hours, you can use it for emergency treatment.
Motion sickness/seasickness medicine:
Scopolamine, Halo-Hinning, Non-Lagan, TransDerm Scop (Treatment Seasickness)
Select a skin repellent with a DEET content of more than 30%, such as Ultrethon. It can defend against mosquitoes, cockroaches and flies for up to 12 hours.
Clothing insecticides:
The use of permethrin in combination with DEET insecticides can achieve a 100% protection against mosquito bites.
Insecticide Spray:
Night-time biting insects used to drive away sleep.
Laxative and stool softeners:
Consult your local pharmacy.
Swimmer ear disease:
2% acetic acid (Vosol).
Water purification tablets:
MicroPur pills.
Hand disinfection gel:
Can effectively reduce the risk of travelers suffering from diarrhea, viruses and respiratory infections.
Disinfection sterile syringe kit.
Medicine box:
1 Triangular Bandage (96cm x 96cm x 136cm);
2 medical bandage Elastic Bandage (7.5cm × 400cm);
1 First aid blanket Emergency Blanket (204cm×140cm);
2 Burn Dressing (7.5cm×7.5cm-8 layers);
4 safety pins Safety Pins;
1 Mouth to Mouth Breathing Mask (20cm×19.7cm) with a one-way valve;
8 Bandage Bandage (1.8cm×7cm);
1 Scissors First Aid Scissors(15cm);
1 Tweezers (10.2cm);
2 EHS latex gloves EHS LATEX Gloves;
16 Alcohol swabs ALCOHOL SWAB;
2 eye pad Eyepatch;
1 Emergency Flashlight Pen Flashlight;
2 Disposable Face Mask;
3 Medical gauze block Gauze Pad (5cm×5cm-8 layers);
3 medical gauze block Gauze Pad (10cm × 10cm-8 layer);
1 Medical Surgical Tape (1.25cm×910cm);
2 buckle tourniquet Tountquet;
1 First-Aid Instruction Instruction of First Aid;
1 First Aid Guide;
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