SCALER's Function outdoor30 outdoor backpack is an outdoor functional backpack designed by SCALER. Is a professional outdoor sports backpack, suitable for functional, professional outdoor activities such as climbing, skiing.
The capacity of this bag is 30 liters, enough to meet the needs of two to three days of travel, there are multiple external points outside, can carry outdoor equipment such as skis, trekking poles, backpacks have two side pockets on both sides, can hold cups and other items . This backpack's carrying system is not adjustable, but it can be adapted to its own by adjusting the length of the straps. In addition, the back of the bag has a lot of small holes, so that you have a good perspiration breathable during use, make your journey More comfortable. This bag has a water bag compartment inside. There are multiple positions on the whole and the space is still relatively large. I hope the introduction of Xiao Bian can give you a reference.
Business information:
Price: 450 yuan
Name: Sikale Outdoor Life Museum
Address: 1st Floor, No. 2A, Dawang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: 010----65862588
Greenfield Quotes Tel: 010 - 6345 4783, Email:
Different color styles
Backpack front
This bag has a capacity of 30 liters
Water bag straw outlet
Various outlets
Nose brush can be divided into: Brush For Nose Contour,Nose Contour Brush,Nose Cleaning Brush,Nose Shadow Brush,Nose Highlight Brush.nose cleaning brush can be used to clean the blackheads and acne on the nose. The nose shadow brush is a makeup tool that came into being after the appearance of nose shadow powder. With the rise of color makeup in modern times, people are no longer satisfied with the use of powder puff to dip in the nose shadow powder to set makeup, so the nose shadow brush and nose cleaning brush were born.Nose brush can be divided into: nose cleaning brush can be used to clean the blackheads and acne on the nose. The nose shadow brush is a makeup tool that came into being after the appearance of nose shadow powder. With the rise of color makeup in modern times, people are no longer satisfied with the use of powder puff to dip in the nose shadow powder to set makeup, so the nose shadow brush and nose cleaning brush were born.
Brush For Nose Contour,Nose Cleaning Brush,Nose Shadow Brush,Nose Highlight Brush,Nose Brushes,Nose Cleansing Brush
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