The shoes fall to the ground and then leave the ground from the ground. This is an ideal running condition. In China, there are many track and field projects, 5000 meters test race, 2 kilometers relay race. Although these speeds are less than 100 meters, they are much faster than marathons and the distance is not short or long. Under normal circumstances, plastic track can wear spiked shoes (road running can not wear spiked shoes), so many amateur runners will tangled "Amateur runners need to wear nail shoes?"
Spikes are patents for sprinters and professional middle distance runners
For sprint competitions, whether amateur or professional, the speed is very fast, and the power of each step is also very large. Therefore, regardless of the amateur or professional sprint competition, the players are basically dressed in spiked shoes.
In the professional venue long-distance running competition, spiked shoes are basically the uniform boots of the athletes. Because the speed of professional long-distance running competition is also quite fast, taking the example of men's 5,000 and 10,000 meters, the domestic professional competition takes about 67-72 seconds per cycle. World-class black masters will be faster, with nearly 1 point per lap, and the last lap sprint often runs to 52, 53 seconds, a speed that has exceeded the sprint levels of most amateur runners. So it's not surprising to wear spiked shoes.
So, why spiked shoes are not standing for lovers of long-distance running? Because most amateur runners run 5,000 meters and 10,000 meters at full speed, which is only equal to the pace for professional athletes to prepare for activities and relax activities. Not to the extent that "needs extra grip". Therefore, among amateur long-distance runners, spiked shoes are still rare items. Many amateur runners, especially those who haven't contacted athletics during the student era, haven't even seen spiked shoes.
The difference between sprinting and middle-distance running spikes
Here we must remind that the spikes in the sprint (400 meters and below) and the middle and long-distance running (800-10000 meters) are different. In the middle and long-distance running spikes, the soles are generally flat (the forefoot is not so warped), and the midsole is softer and easier to bend. There are fewer spikes (usually six). On the studs distribution, there is no nail in the middle of the last row of middle and long running shoes (closest to the center of the foot).
Spike shoes are supported by speed and ability
Some amateur runners have to ask: "I don't need to wear spiked shoes, although I don't have to be fast. But after wearing spiked shoes, I can get a better grip. Isn't it icing on the cake?"
In fact, although spiked shoes are a guarantee of high speed, high speed is in turn a prerequisite for wearing spiked shoes. The two are based on each other.
In the same technical movement style, the faster the speed, the greater the required propulsive thrust and ground friction. If there is not a certain amount of speed, it is not very great, and the rhythm and the movement are slow. When the nails get into the runway and the runway is pulled out for a long time, this gripping process becomes an extra action, which increases the Loss of energy can also cause "brake effects" and become resistance to your progress. This not only does not spike the cake icing on the cake, but superfluous.
The strong grip of spiked shoes is also transmitted to the feet, shins, and calves, increasing the load on these parts. If the muscle strength or the bearing capacity of these parts is insufficient, it is more likely to cause achilles tendon strain, calf muscle strain, periosteitis, and plantar soles. Fasciitis and other injuries.
In addition, in order to pursue light weight (and high speed requirements), spiked shoes are thin and hard (especially the heel). The cushioning and protection functions are almost zero. This puts forward technical movements, core strengths and certain small muscle strengths. More demanding. If the power is insufficient or the technique is not good (such as the heel is heavily grounded), its own buffer capacity is poor, and the spiked shoes will be more injurious than ordinary running shoes. In addition, some runners stride in front of the center of gravity, causing a brake effect. If you put on spikes, a strong grip will amplify and upgrade the braking effect. The consequences can be imagined.
Therefore, spiked shoes need to be based on sufficient speed, good strength, and technical movements.
Spikes are just a master weapon, not a "rookie" booster
The friction force on the sole (the grip of spiked shoes) is a reflection of the body's driving force, but it is not the source of propulsion.
The real propulsive force is still forward, backward and action switching (step frequency). Or, friction is a "middleman" of power transmission. For low-level "rookie", especially if the technology is not good, will not leverage (with the help of gravity, the inertia of the original speed), or after the squat, leg weakness, then put on spikes may be The gripper is more than sufficient for the “transmitterâ€, but the source of forward momentum is not enough, and the body cannot move forward faster. Therefore, the "rookie" is not solidly trained. It is obviously not feasible to rely on spikes to improve its performance.
When amateur runners tangled or not wear spiked shoes, there are two main considerations: first, the sports item and its own level (speed), second, physical quality and technical movements. If you are not high and you are slow, you may not need spikes at 800 meters; if your 5,000 meters has reached or is close to the level of the national second-level athletes, then spikes can generally become your 5000-meter PB booster; if you Physical quality is particularly poor, there are obvious problems in technical movements, then still have to wear ordinary rubber shoes competition, and usually have to solidly train, improve technology, lay a good foundation skills, ability to drive spikes in the future.
Finally, remind amateur runners, especially those with higher levels. Although the game can wear spiked shoes, it is advisable to wear spiked shoes in peacetime training. Playing one or two adaptations a week or so before the competition is one of the training concepts of our elite 98 runners. It not only reduces the risk of injury, but also optimizes the technology to a certain extent. , Grip, but lightly to complete each step). Especially during winter training, basically do not wear spiked shoes, because the low winter temperatures, winter training training is mainly a large number of low-intensity aerobic running, and intermittent training such as anaerobic training is also a large amount of strength is not large, when the speed is not fast Need to wear spiked shoes. And because of the low temperature and relatively hard track, wearing a spiked shoe increases the risk of injury.
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