A Select the volume of the backpack according to the time of going out and the number of loaded items
If you travel a short time (1-3 days) and are not ready to camp outside, carrying a small number of items, you should select a small volume of backpacks, usually 25 to 45 liters is enough. This type of backpack is usually simple in structure and has no external plugs or few external plugs. In addition to a main bag, there are usually 3-5 bag attachments for easy loading of items. If you travel longer (more than 3 days) or need to bring camping equipment, you must choose a large package, 50 to 70 liters is appropriate. If you need to load a large number of items or into the ancient village touch the living stone 2007 51 Golden Week inventory into the subway to enjoy a unique landscape focus on domestic large-scale enterprises, optional 80+20 liters large backpack or more backpacks.
B Select the type of backpack based on the sport and the use of the backpack
The same is a mountaineering bag, its use is not the same as: climbing bag designed specifically for rock climbing activities, generally do not design hard support, in order to be easy to carry deformation, at the same time more hanging points, in order to facilitate falling equipment, some models Specially equipped with cloth for finishing equipment. The bicycle series designed for cycling, more emphasis on the characteristics of riding, suitable for riding sports, can be divided into back packs, rack bag, front bag, back hanging dual-use bag.
The general sense of the mountaineering package, should be called a camping backpack, designed to take into account the characteristics of various forms of sports and the needs of long-distance marching, suitable for mountaineering, adventure and woodland through activities. There are backpacks specially designed for long-distance travel. They are called multi-purpose bags or sub-packages. Their overall structure is basically the same as that of a mountaineering bag. They can be double-shouldered and are layered up and down. They are similar to suitcases, uncovered openings, Can be single shoulder, horizontal, vertical lift line. The size of the package is a one-piece structure that can be easily separated and used. It is popular among business travelers. All kinds of backpacks have their unique scope of application, and the best choice for purchasing bags is exclusive.
C Select the size of the carrying system according to the body
The backpack's backpacking system has a specific scope of application. The adjustable backpack is not limited to a wide range of applications. It is very important to buy a backpack to choose the size of your system. What kind of size is appropriate? In general, the waist point of the backpack should be on the flank above the coccyx. The fulcrum of the shoulder strap should be roughly level with the shoulder and lower than the shoulder, so as to facilitate the adjustment and force of the force belt, the back is comfortable; otherwise, there will be a sense of verticality, so that the force of the waist is not in place. After a good time, the backpack will naturally stick to the back and it is comfortable.
D can not ignore the quality of the material
Many people tend to pay more attention to the color and shape of the backpack when choosing a backpack. In fact, the key to a durable backpack is material. From the webbing point of view, the price of ordinary webbing and premium webbing can be as low as 3-5 times the webbing loading capacity used by BIGPACK can reach more than 200 kg.
Seen from the fabric, the difference is also very large, the same 420D fabrics, ordinary fabrics 280 grams per yard, and high-density fabric weight 410 grams per yard, so the two fabrics from the strength and wear resistance are very different. The destructive tests on the fabrics were carried out on a friction machine. The same fabric was 500D. The normal nylon fabric was broken until 1075 rpm. The wear resistance was three times that of ordinary nylon.
From the coating point of view, low-grade backpacks mostly use PVC coating, which will become hard when cold, and high-grade backpacks use PU-coated fabrics. The cold hardness does not change significantly. The degree of waterproofness of four PU-coated fabrics can reach 1500 MM or more. . The brand name backpacks on the market are relatively elegant in terms of materials, and their performance and quality are also relatively good.
E Good structure and design guarantee the superior performance of the backpack
The mountaineering bag has good performance, and the important factor is that the scientific design of it combined with the overall beauty is more important that you can enjoy the excellent performance in use. We can see this more intuitively from the design structure of the BIGPACK TOP series backpack.
Its carrying system structure absorbs the principle of Nepal's piggyback and adopts a double "V" type design. First, the lining frame is in a "V" shape, with a narrow upper width and a narrow width, and after a thick upper layer, it is in a 篓 shape. This structure is more convenient for stress transmission. TOP series backpack adopts ETA----3 adjustment device. The device is equipped with a structural pad. The adjustment part has three holes. The adjustment of the position of the hole can change the size of the bearer.
Changing the position of the structural pad can move the backpack up and down. TOP series backpacks are also designed to increase the volume of the device, the vertical expansion of the top package with a zipper, open the zipper can make the backpack weight gain of about 10 liters, cross-type backpack in the main bag with two vertical open The zipper can be made thicker after opening to expand the volume, especially suitable for loading larger items. Users can adjust their height and width according to their needs. Having such a backpack will greatly facilitate your travel.
Ningbo Wellcome Trading Co., Ltd. , https://www.huike-homecare.com