Mitsubishi New Beer Special Plastic Bottle

It is understood that Mitsubishi has recently developed a new type of plastic bottle for beer. It may not be long before the plastic bottled beer spreads through the streets.

The same is the air-beverage drink, the beer is still a little behind the drinks such as Cola in the packaging - in addition to small-capacity cans, it is relatively bulky, and more difficult to open the glass bottles. However, due to strong permeability and other reasons, plastic bottles that are lightweight and easier to recycle have not been a container for beer.

A few days ago, the Japanese plastics company Mitsubishi Group broke this dilemma: They announced that they have signed an agreement with Kirin, one of Japan's largest beer brands, to promote a beer-specific plastic bottle. The plastic bottle has a capacity of 1 liter and a special carbon coating is added on the inner wall to prevent the carbon dioxide of the beer from running off and lose its taste.

A spokesperson for Mitsubishi Plastics said that since 2010, this type of plastic bottle has been accepted in the Japanese market by some wine and sake products, but for such a big brewer of Unicorn, it will try to be such a big one. The new packaging of capacity is also very rare.

It is reasonable to say that large-capacity light-packed beer should be very suitable for such sales channels as supermarkets. However, Kirin said that he still hopes to test the water from an easier-to-control delivery mode so that the beer can be stored in the dark during transport.

After determining that there are no problems, smaller-capacity plastic bottled beer may appear on the convenience store shelves.

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