University of Minnesota study reveals single-cell to multi-cell process

How did this transition from single-celled organisms to multicellular bodies occur? More than 500 million years ago, single-celled organisms on the surface of the earth began to form multicellular clusters, which eventually became plants and animals. Researchers at the University of Minnesota have replicated this key evolutionary step in the laboratory with ordinary Saccharomyces cerevisiae, demonstrating the process of this transition. Related papers were published in the recently published Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers added S. cerevisiae to the culture medium, grown it in a test tube for a day, and then stirred it in a centrifuge to separate the ingredients in the test tube. When the mixture stabilizes, the cell cluster will fall to the bottom of the test tube faster because they are the heaviest. The researchers took out these cell clusters, transferred them to a new medium, and then stirred them again. After six cycles, the cell cluster already contains hundreds of cells and looks like spherical snowflakes.

Yeasts have "evolved" into multi-cell clusters that can cooperate, reproduce, and change their environment, basically becoming the initial form of life on Earth today. The analysis shows that the clusters of cells are not randomly adhered cell groups, but are interconnected, and they stay connected as the cells divide. This means that they have genetic similarities to promote cooperation. When the cell cluster reaches a critical size, some cells will enter the process of apoptosis and die, separating the progeny cells. And the reproduction and expansion of the descendant cell clusters can only reach the size reached by their "parents". "This division of labor has evolved very quickly, constantly multiplying in the form of snowflake-like clusters." Said George Gilchrist, acting deputy director of the Environmental Biology Division of the National Science Foundation. Step, it seems not as arduous as the theory suggests. "

"A cell cluster can not be called a multicellular body, only when the cells in it begin to cooperate, self-sacrifice to achieve public interest and adapt to change, this is a transition to multicellular body evolution." One of the authors of the paper, Minnesota State University scientist Will Ratcliffe explained that to form multicellular organisms, most cells sacrifice their reproductive ability, which is a behavior that benefits the whole but is not conducive to individuals. For example, almost all cells of the human body are essentially a support system, and only sperm and eggs are responsible for passing DNA to the next generation. So multicellular bodies are defined by their cooperation.

Evolutionary biologists estimate that this multicellular body has evolved into 25 systems independently. In the future, comparing the fossils left by multicellular clusters can further reveal the corresponding development mechanisms and genetic similarities and differences in each system.

The new experimental method can be used for research on many important medical and biological topics, such as the function of multicellular bodies in cancer, aging and other key areas of biology. The paper co-author Michael Travisano of the University of Minnesota said that it has recently been suggested that cancer is a fossil derived from the original multicellular body, and the origin of aging is similar to this. Study this.

DD-Alarm System

One of the main advantages of a vibration fiber optic alarm system is its ability to accurately detect and locate vibrations, providing a high level of security. The fiber optic cables can be installed in various locations, such as fences, walls, or underground, making it difficult for intruders to bypass the system. Additionally, the system is not affected by electromagnetic interference, making it reliable and resistant to false alarms.

Furthermore, vibration fiber optic alarm systems can be integrated with other security systems, such as CCTV cameras or access control systems, to provide a comprehensive security solution. The alarm signals can be transmitted to a central monitoring station or directly to the property owner's smartphone or computer, allowing for immediate response to any security breach.

One of the main advantages of a vibration fiber optic alarm system is its ability to accurately detect and locate vibrations, providing a high level of security. The fiber optic cables can be installed in various locations, such as fences, walls, or underground, making it difficult for intruders to bypass the system. Additionally, the system is not affected by electromagnetic interference, making it reliable and resistant to false alarms.

Furthermore, vibration fiber optic alarm systems can be integrated with other security systems, such as CCTV cameras or access control systems, to provide a comprehensive security solution. The alarm signals can be transmitted to a central monitoring station or directly to the property owner's smartphone or computer, allowing for immediate response to any security breach.

In summary, a vibration fiber optic alarm system is an advanced security solution that utilizes fiber optic technology to detect vibrations and trigger alarms. It offers accurate detection, resistance to false alarms, and integration with other security systems, providing enhanced protection for residential, commercial, or industrial properties.

Vibration fiber optic alarm system,Vibration alarm