Saw blade installation requirements

1. The equipment is in good condition, the main shaft has no deformation, no trailing jump, the installation is fixed firmly, no vibration, etc.

2. Check the saw blade for damage, whether the tooth shape is complete, whether the saw plate is smooth and clean, and whether there are other abnormalities to ensure safe use.

3. When assembling, make sure that the arrow direction of the saw blade is consistent with the direction of rotation of the device spindle.

4. When installing the saw blade, keep the shaft center, the chuck and the flange clean. The inner diameter of the flange is the same as the inner diameter of the saw blade. Make sure that the flange is tightly combined with the saw blade, install the positioning pin and tighten the nut. The size of the flange should be appropriate and the outer diameter should be no less than 1/3 of the diameter of the saw blade.

5. Before the equipment is started, ensure that the equipment is operated by a single person, jog and idling, check whether the equipment is turning correctly, whether there is vibration, and the saw blade is idling for a few minutes after being installed, without normal operation after slipping, swinging or jumping. .

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