People's skin is not perfect, what problems do you have with your skin? The following is an attack on the pores to make it disappear in front of you.
Large pores - pores
The face is greasy and the pores are obvious. They are all beautiful makeup killers. Make up the foundation before the foundation, fill in the holes and control the oil, so that your face is smooth and pink for a whole day.
Problem: pores
Dry oily skin has a pore nightmare. Whether your pores are caused by dry pores or large pores caused by oil, the annoying pore problem is to use the pore-clogging products to make the pits invisible.
In the past year or two, the powder-filled and glutinous-filled products have become popular. However, this year's filled products have replaced the spirits with higher-tech powders, and there are more concepts to update the pore-clogging method to help girls create a transparent Beautiful skin feel.
1. Dip some golden pearlescent styling lasting base cream on your fingers.
2, a large area is applied to the pores to do the "leveling" action.
3. Dip a second time, then draw a spiral in the pit of the pores and leave the powder in the cavity.
4, then you can wipe the irritating long-lasting cream without heavy feeling.
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