Professional print publishers get an image that has just been scanned and use the levels, curves, balance, contrast, and even filters to adjust the brightness, hue, and chroma of the image to make the image look more normal. However, the above steps are indeed more difficult for novices. It takes a certain amount of time and effort to skillfully adjust the images.
Do you need to adjust the image quickly?
If there is no time or there are not many professionals, what should we do? Extensis Intellihance filters allow you to adjust images like professionals without having to be professionally trained.
Download the Extensis Intellihance filter and install it under your Photoshop\plug-ins. Start Photoshop and select Extensis under Filter.
The Extensis Intellihance filter automatically adjusts the contrast, brightness, saturation, color cast, and sharpness of the button image automatically, automatically removes moiré and dust, and produces the best picture in the shortest time.
How does Extensis Intellihance work?
Let's take a hard look at this scan.
1. Select Extensis--Intellihance 4.0 from the PS filter
2, select the number of windows in the Layout menu
3. Select View--Repeating to tile the image. View--Select Fit to fit the image to the window.
4. Select the effect you think is satisfactory from the window below.
5, you can do without any adjustment, just press the "Apply" button on it. Carefully understand the following adjustment parameters, slowly after skilled, you can enjoy the Intellihance Setting options.
Intellihance Setting dialog parameters:
*Descreen removes moiré from previous prints
*Contrast Contrast*Brinhtness Brightness Emphasis
*Cast here to adjust the theme of color tone.
*Sharpness Sharpens *despeckle to smooth the image by removing unwanted noise
If the image needs more adjustment than the adjustment provided by the overall control, Fine Tune can be selected. A dialog with Fine Tune controls will appear for fine-tuning the image.
*Cast It controls the overall hue of the adjusted image. It works under RGB, XMYK, or Lab color mode. The dropper can be used to quickly negate the highlights, midtones and dark shades, and each parameter can be fine tuned with the slider.
*Descreen This option eliminates halftone dots by mixing the original image with a blurred version of the image. You can adjust the network Amount and Radius controls. When trying Radius sliders, try to set Amount to 100%.
*Despeckie Adjustable threshold, Amount, and (Limits and highlights) parameters.
*Sharpness Adjusts whether the image is soft or vibrant.
*Tone adjusts the overall brightness and contrast parameters.
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