Zip-Pak Introduces SLIDERTM Technology for Transparent Packaging

Zip-Pak launched the new product ZIP-PAK SLIDERTM for transparent packaging. In its company booth, the horizontal molding-filling-sealing machine RT 2000 supplied by Hayssen Packaging Technologies will perform live demonstrations. This technology enables the zipper to be used for transparent packaging for the first time.

Zip-Pak will also showcase its Ther-moform SLIDERTM, Transverse-Direction (TD) SLIDERTM for food thermoformed packaging such as sliced ​​meat, and the affordable QUICK-ZIP SLIDERTM for low density polyethylene (LDPE) film .

Robert Hogan, President of International Sales and Marketing at Zip-Pak, said: "We are constantly developing new ideas and new technologies to ensure that our customers can adopt packaging that is in line with market trends."

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