Adhesive formula for glass steel products


Component dosage /g component dosage /g
Maleic anhydride 78 hydroquinone 0.06
Phthalic Anhydride 178 Styrene 210
Propylene glycol 167

Prepared and solidified in a reactor equipped with stirrer, air pipe, thermometer and distillation head, and add the first three components according to the amount, pass nitrogen, heat the reaction mixture to 150-160° C. and keep it warm for 1 hour in 1 hour, then quickly Heat to 210°C (the temperature of the distillation head does not exceed 100°C), increase the nitrogen pass rate, wait for the sample to measure the acid value to below 40mgKOH/g, stop the reaction, cool the mixture to 140°C, add according to the above dosage. Hydroquinone was dissolved and styrene was added to stir into a light-colored, low-viscosity liquid.

Unsaturated polyesters are cured with peroxide initiators and the curing temperature must not exceed the boiling point of the monomers.

Source: 21st Century Fine Chemicals Network

Welded Wire Mesh

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