BASF's "cooling coating" technology won the German Federal Ecodesign Award

BASF Coatings was awarded the German Federal Ecodesign Award. The review was conquered by the innovation and front-end design of the "cooling coating" automotive coating technology.

BASF cooling coatings reflect infrared light, thereby reducing the temperature of the car's surface and interior. This passive temperature management reduces the surface heat of the car by up to 20°C and the internal temperature of the car by 4°C.

Because of the savings in air-conditioning, fuel consumption is also reduced accordingly, allowing customers to optimize the energy efficiency of automotive fuel.

“In addition to providing attractive appearance and protection features, cooling coatings also include other functional features. This technology is an important step towards modern mobility. We are very pleased to be able to win prizes, because this is precisely the award for this aspect.” Mark Gutjahr, head of color design EMEA, said.

In addition, according to Stephan Schwarte, Director of Pigment Dispersion and Innovative Color Division, “Cooling paint technology allows a wide range of color choices and enables complex colors to be achieved - from warm shades of intense color to cool shades of color.” .

This year is the fifth year of the German Federal Ecodesign Award. This award is co-sponsored by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the German Federal Ministry of Environment (BMUB) and the Berlin International Design Center (IDZ).

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Biodegradable Bowl

Sugarcane Bowls
Sugarcane Bowls are a strong, grease- and cut-resistant alternative to traditional plastic or polystyrene. Sugarcane fiber products are compostable and made from recycled and renewable materials. Sugarcane fiber products meet ASTM compostability requirements and are made from recycled and renewable materials.
Sugarcane bowls provide a strong, tough and compostable way to enjoy soup or salad. Serve them hot or cold. These versatile bowls keep the focus on your next meal without spilling, soaking, or destroying the planet. Sugarcane bowls are made from recycled and renewable sugarcane fiber, not foam or virgin paper.
Durable and opaque in design, these degradable bowls are made from eco-friendly and renewable bagasse. They are well suited to the needs and requirements of the food service industry as well as individual consumers who are concerned about the environment.
Vantages of Sugarcane Bowls:

Sugar cane can handle contact with liquids and oils and is great for greasy takeaways and greasy meals
Safe for hot and cold food
Grease and cut resistant
Sugarcane products are made from rapidly renewable resources, not petroleum
Our sugar cane products are composted in commercial composting facilities
Composting is a great way to improve vital soil resources and divert waste that would otherwise end up in landfills

Disposable Sugarcane Bagass Bowl,Biodegradable Bowl, Biodegradable Bagasse Bowl,Eco Paper Bowl

Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co., Ltd. ,