[Abstract] This article first introduced the significance of the design of packaging and decoration design, and then elaborated the production and analysis of packaging and decoration design maps. Finally, the author's viewpoints on packaging and decoration design were explained from the aspects of color and text of packaging and decoration design. , I hope to give other packaging designers a reference.
The functions of packaging and decorating include displaying commodities, emphasizing differences, artistic infections, and promoting sales. The design of packaging and decorating of goods should be diversified to prevent simplification and subjectivation. In terms of macroscopically speaking, packaging and decoration design should be studied from multiple perspectives and from multiple perspectives. Therefore, it is very important to establish a scientific, comprehensive, overall, and comprehensive design thinking. The overall concept of packaging and decorating design includes three aspects: one is function, the other is cost, and the third is the sense of form. At the same time, we must also take into account factors such as the environment, laws and regulations, and circulation.
The positioning of packaging and decorating design is an important basis for modern packaging design. Its basic starting point is who sells products, what products, and sells to whom. The positioning of packaging and decorating design focuses on the three aspects of brand, product and consumer, and the accurate design orientation enables Designers fully understand the market conditions, make packaging and packaging design more competitive and adaptable, and prevent blind design.
From the perspective of packaging and decoration design, based on my own research, a simple and effective method is to obtain the pre-design reference information by creating a “market semantic mapping mapâ€. The market semantic positioning map is used to compare analysis charts of different designs. Location maps are not the analysis of precise data, but rather visual comparisons of different products, allowing designers to objectively evaluate different competitors, especially for packaging designers who are visually oriented; location maps are not only evaluated In addition, the reference can also help designers find the “market gap†and study the reasons for careful “market gap†in order to develop a breakthrough design scheme.
How to make market semantic positioning map? The first step, as shown in the following figure, first establishes a two-dimensional coordinate system, and then determines two pairs of antonyms (mainly based on adjectives) as required. Two pairs of antonyms represent the four semantic poles, and the antonym can be determined according to different research purposes. Such as "complex" / "simple", "expensive" / "cheap", "Western" / "Oriental", "traditional" / "modern", "high technology" / "low technology", "new" / "old" and many more.
In the second step, the blank area in the middle of the coordinates will be filled with different commodity packages. The four semantic poles will be used to compare the positions of each other. For example, the image of the "Dubao cigarette packs (blue)" packaged in the four semantic poles on the left should be In a modern, concise position, while the "Big Front Door Cigarette Case (Red)" package and the "Panda Cigarette Case (Green)" package all belong to a complex, traditional compartmental position, but the "big front door cigarette case (red)" wraps more than "Panda Cigarette (green) packaging is more complex, so the two packages should be placed in the position shown on the left.
The third step, and so on, is that the packaging and decorating designer first collects the image data of all the competitors in the market, and then creates a market semantic positioning map, so that objective market assessment information can be obtained and the proneness of the consumer market can be understood. It is even possible to find that no one is involved in the "market gap" to provide direction for design ideas and to prevent the emergence of too many design works guided by self-expression. Instead, more market-oriented designs should be conceived to promote sales of goods. As shown in the above figure, it is a positioning map of some cigarette packages on the market. We can clearly see that most of the semantic features of cigarette packaging design are “modern, concise†and “traditional and complex†to design new cigarettes. Packaging, you can look for the image features from the positioning map for reference, to prevent the design of their own preferences; at the same time, we can also find that the "modern, complex" and "traditional, simple" cigarette packaging box competition design is relatively small If you start designing from here, the likelihood of success increases greatly.
(to be continued)