Technical documents
In addition to operating instructions such as washing machines, televisions, most technical documents have been developed for dissemination using optical discs or networks. This very small number of product prints is very large because of many people's requests and cannot be expected to have standardized competitive alternatives. As for the operating instructions and other user manuals, electronic forms will be used, and printed materials will be used for training.
In many cases, the technical documentation provided for a laptop will be heavier than the computer itself.
• PDAs (personal digital assistants), laptops, and digital devices will replace printed manuals and microfilm and flatbed readers.
This is especially true for military and large-scale complex systems where technical information needs to be constantly updated.
• Complex system operating procedures, pictorial parts lists (IPBs), and other reference materials are all available over the wire or CD-ROM over a wireless connection.
The vast majority of file offers are in PDF or XML format. And these two kinds of document formats will be integrated together, so that information can be more smoothly transmitted between print, network, PDA, and various electronic books.
· Any kind of device or any kind of media will not dominate, so cross-media and cross-device will become commonplace.
Advertising and publicity materials - pamphlets, leaflets, etc. - will increase steadily, with some products growing at a larger rate. The printing industry has so many products printed because people are always selling goods to others. Everywhere people go to, such as banks, shops, vending machines, etc., prints abound. Its purpose is mainly to promote sales. It seems that we haven't seen any signs of an electronic rival.
·Advertising prints will continue to grow around 2020.
· The most typical prints are paperback (single-page or multi-page packages), flyers (usually single-fold) and pamphlets (more than 24 pages), as well as posters, cards and other materials. Many of them do not yet have corresponding electronic products.
· Booklets in PDF format may appear, but more advertising materials are available at points of sale. It is difficult to implement the provision of electronic information because of its locational characteristics.
• Those high-quality inkjet or toner color printers will become the main competitors for offset printing. Stores or other places will be able to print information on demand.
· Organizations that engage in creative advertising will require 6-color or other high-fidelity color printing, plus light and laminating operations. High-quality color printing will continue into the next century.
· Postpress will be the main obstacle to localized printing. Stapled advertising products are more convenient than loose pages and are therefore more popular. Despite this, due to speed or other reasons, some advertising materials will be produced in loose-leaf production.
Stationery stationery
The handwritten letter will gradually give way to tapping the email sent by the keyboard. The electron beam contact information transmitted between PDAs will continue to increase, and ultimately affect the application of commercial cards. Digital photos, videos, and voices will replace text messages. Electronic voice mail and virtual images will enable people to communicate their life perceptions. Envelope production is expected to decline somewhat in the next 20 years.
· Email after 2020 will negatively affect the printing of stationery and envelopes.
· After 2010, electronic beam information will be more popular than currently used commercial cards. By then, every mobile phone or PDA will have the ability to receive data transmitted by another mobile phone or PDA.
· Office paper with special printheads will be slower because it also represents a part of the company's image, so it will still be used within a certain range of communication.
· The general trend toward the development of electronic media such as voice mail will also have an adverse effect on traditional letter and mail services. Future emails will usually include photos, videos and sounds.
· As more and more prints will be produced at home, in the office, or in an internal printing office, the number of copies will be very small, so a large number of cut-to-size blank papers will be required.
Forms and internal prints
As paper forms are replaced by electronic versions, production will be greatly reduced. The form will use paper for a period of time but will eventually completely eliminate the need for paper. As mentioned earlier, financial transaction documents (certificates, invoices, etc.) and other office and company communications within large corporations will be replaced by emails and documents with Word, Excel, and PDF.
• Paper forms will be replaced almost entirely by electronic versions over the next 20 years.
· At present and in the future, many forms will be delivered as PDF, XML-encoded documents and output on local printers.
· The fixed form containing the storage and inventory items will no longer exist and will be printed when necessary.
Most of the correspondence used between offices or agencies will be placed on the intranet or the Internet and printed when needed.
· Will reduce the print volume of the contract. The digital signature will make the implementation of the electronic version of the contract possible.
Other miscellaneous publications
Greeting cards, wrapping papers, and wallpapers are all examples of this. Wall-filled electronic wallpaper can instantly change the entire landscape, but gift wraps are also useful (unless electronic wrapping paper is available). The greeting card given to her grandmother had to be a paper product, not an electronic one, though she might also chat with other old ladies on the Internet.
· Most of these products are special prints, so there are few electronic competitors.
· Greeting card production will be affected. Although e-cards are currently popular, they lack human touch and beauty. However, future computer users may not want to place greeting cards on the fireplace.
· Wall calendars and almanacs will give way to computers and electronic systems, but there are still prints. After all, looking at the wall calendar is always much more convenient.
Conclusion: Prints will not die
In the long run, the growth of print will continue until 2040-2050, and will gradually decrease afterwards, but it will not die away. During this period, digital printers grabbed the market share of analog printers due to the dramatic increase in on-demand printing and short-lived printing, resulting in lower ink production than toner and inkjet supplies. In the next 20-50 years, the basis for providing paperless forms of information to the mass market will be formed.
In addition to operating instructions such as washing machines, televisions, most technical documents have been developed for dissemination using optical discs or networks. This very small number of product prints is very large because of many people's requests and cannot be expected to have standardized competitive alternatives. As for the operating instructions and other user manuals, electronic forms will be used, and printed materials will be used for training.
In many cases, the technical documentation provided for a laptop will be heavier than the computer itself.
• PDAs (personal digital assistants), laptops, and digital devices will replace printed manuals and microfilm and flatbed readers.
This is especially true for military and large-scale complex systems where technical information needs to be constantly updated.
• Complex system operating procedures, pictorial parts lists (IPBs), and other reference materials are all available over the wire or CD-ROM over a wireless connection.
The vast majority of file offers are in PDF or XML format. And these two kinds of document formats will be integrated together, so that information can be more smoothly transmitted between print, network, PDA, and various electronic books.
· Any kind of device or any kind of media will not dominate, so cross-media and cross-device will become commonplace.
Advertising and publicity materials - pamphlets, leaflets, etc. - will increase steadily, with some products growing at a larger rate. The printing industry has so many products printed because people are always selling goods to others. Everywhere people go to, such as banks, shops, vending machines, etc., prints abound. Its purpose is mainly to promote sales. It seems that we haven't seen any signs of an electronic rival.
·Advertising prints will continue to grow around 2020.
· The most typical prints are paperback (single-page or multi-page packages), flyers (usually single-fold) and pamphlets (more than 24 pages), as well as posters, cards and other materials. Many of them do not yet have corresponding electronic products.
· Booklets in PDF format may appear, but more advertising materials are available at points of sale. It is difficult to implement the provision of electronic information because of its locational characteristics.
• Those high-quality inkjet or toner color printers will become the main competitors for offset printing. Stores or other places will be able to print information on demand.
· Organizations that engage in creative advertising will require 6-color or other high-fidelity color printing, plus light and laminating operations. High-quality color printing will continue into the next century.
· Postpress will be the main obstacle to localized printing. Stapled advertising products are more convenient than loose pages and are therefore more popular. Despite this, due to speed or other reasons, some advertising materials will be produced in loose-leaf production.
Stationery stationery
The handwritten letter will gradually give way to tapping the email sent by the keyboard. The electron beam contact information transmitted between PDAs will continue to increase, and ultimately affect the application of commercial cards. Digital photos, videos, and voices will replace text messages. Electronic voice mail and virtual images will enable people to communicate their life perceptions. Envelope production is expected to decline somewhat in the next 20 years.
· Email after 2020 will negatively affect the printing of stationery and envelopes.
· After 2010, electronic beam information will be more popular than currently used commercial cards. By then, every mobile phone or PDA will have the ability to receive data transmitted by another mobile phone or PDA.
· Office paper with special printheads will be slower because it also represents a part of the company's image, so it will still be used within a certain range of communication.
· The general trend toward the development of electronic media such as voice mail will also have an adverse effect on traditional letter and mail services. Future emails will usually include photos, videos and sounds.
· As more and more prints will be produced at home, in the office, or in an internal printing office, the number of copies will be very small, so a large number of cut-to-size blank papers will be required.
Forms and internal prints
As paper forms are replaced by electronic versions, production will be greatly reduced. The form will use paper for a period of time but will eventually completely eliminate the need for paper. As mentioned earlier, financial transaction documents (certificates, invoices, etc.) and other office and company communications within large corporations will be replaced by emails and documents with Word, Excel, and PDF.
• Paper forms will be replaced almost entirely by electronic versions over the next 20 years.
· At present and in the future, many forms will be delivered as PDF, XML-encoded documents and output on local printers.
· The fixed form containing the storage and inventory items will no longer exist and will be printed when necessary.
Most of the correspondence used between offices or agencies will be placed on the intranet or the Internet and printed when needed.
· Will reduce the print volume of the contract. The digital signature will make the implementation of the electronic version of the contract possible.
Other miscellaneous publications
Greeting cards, wrapping papers, and wallpapers are all examples of this. Wall-filled electronic wallpaper can instantly change the entire landscape, but gift wraps are also useful (unless electronic wrapping paper is available). The greeting card given to her grandmother had to be a paper product, not an electronic one, though she might also chat with other old ladies on the Internet.
· Most of these products are special prints, so there are few electronic competitors.
· Greeting card production will be affected. Although e-cards are currently popular, they lack human touch and beauty. However, future computer users may not want to place greeting cards on the fireplace.
· Wall calendars and almanacs will give way to computers and electronic systems, but there are still prints. After all, looking at the wall calendar is always much more convenient.
Conclusion: Prints will not die
In the long run, the growth of print will continue until 2040-2050, and will gradually decrease afterwards, but it will not die away. During this period, digital printers grabbed the market share of analog printers due to the dramatic increase in on-demand printing and short-lived printing, resulting in lower ink production than toner and inkjet supplies. In the next 20-50 years, the basis for providing paperless forms of information to the mass market will be formed.
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