BPA in plastic bottles is suspected of being toxic

The chemical substance in plastics, bisphenol A (BPA), is one of the most widely used industrial compounds in the world. The two scientists said on the 14th that more and more evidence shows that a small amount of such substances that leak out of plastic bottles and food packaging bags may pose a danger. Plastic milk bottles have attracted much attention in the article.

According to reports, this substance is also widely used in food bags, beverage bottles and other products.

It is also a possibility of harm! Will bisphenol A cause domino-like collapses in the food safety crisis like Sudan Red and genetically modified?

Report declares harm

The earliest source of this report was a report published on April 14 by the US “Environmental Sanitation Outlook” magazine website. Report authors, scientists Frederic Onsaar and Claude Hughes reviewed more than 100 studies and urged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reassess the dangers of bisphenol A and consider limiting it. use.

They reviewed 115 studies of the impact of testing low-dose BPA published in December last year, of which 94 studies found that this chemical had adverse effects.

In the report, they also mentioned conflicting research results: None of the 11 studies funded by chemical companies found BPA to be hazardous; 90% of the 104 studies funded by government and non-industry organizations found that Chemicals are harmful.

Toxicologists say that exposure of this chemical to synthetic hormones can cause reproductive disorders in the newborn animal and brain development and may have the same effect on human fetuses and children. Since the late 1990s, some studies have found that when people are exposed to BPA, it has no effect on the human body; other studies have shown that low-dose of this chemical can simulate estrogen, hinder testosterone secretion and Injuries to laboratory animals.

Bisphenol A is widely used

The report also pointed out that almost all Americans who were examined were found to contain bisphenol A in their bodies. Polycarbonate plastics used to make transparent containers for many foods and beverages contain this critical material.

The article emphasizes that polycarbonate plastic is very useful in the manufacture of products such as baby bottles, because it is durable, lightweight, and drop-resistant. Without bisphenol A, the bottle cannot have these characteristics. In addition to making hard plastics, it is also used to make food bags and beverage bottles. In addition, this ingredient is also included in the sealant layer used as a chewing surface for dental caries when filling and repairing teeth, and it also includes some seal layers to prevent tooth decay in children.

According to reports, the chemicals can be separated from plastics, especially when heating containers, scrubbing containers with harsh detergents, or contacting acidic foods or beverages.

Professor Chen Zhiquan, professor of polymer science at the School of Materials Science and Technology, South China University of Technology, said in an interview with reporters that plastics are now widely used, and the use of bisphenol A in plastics is also very popular. As for the bottle and plastic products will not volatilize this component after heating, how much and how much this substance is harmful to the human body, all require the experimental data of the authority. Because things like baby bottles are babies, they are very sensitive. According to his understanding, there are not many people currently engaged in this research in China.

FDA says a small amount of food is harmless

Regarding this incident's view, Professor Chen pointed out that organic chemicals will have more or less impact on the human body, but in the end it needs to reach a certain amount to influence it. In the previous report of the "Sudan Red Incident," the media had allegedly suspected that they had been "enhanced by cups and snakes," and had intensified their harm, causing ordinary people to panic.

It is also known that the American Plastics Industry Association funded a Harvard Hazard Analysis Center study on the impact of BPA. A report published last year stated that "the evidence that BPA causes an increase in male estrogen secretion is seriously insufficient." Steven Ongetter, Executive Director of the Polycarbonate Industry at the American Plastics Industry Association, said on the 12th that Saar and Hughes’s report did not analyze various studies and data to determine if they were eloquent and related to humans. .

In response to reports of bisphenol A, FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) press officer Mitchell responded in an interview with Chinese media on May 4th that the FDA is convinced that a small amount of bisphenol A does not cause harm to the human body, so The use of bisphenol A in food packaging has always supported the packaging materials.

Mitchell said, “We have done many tests on baby bottles and nipples that use bisphenol A as raw material. The results show that if the instructions for use of the product are followed, bisphenol A will not separate out, nor will it The baby has a health hazard; after we continuously heated the plastic container, we did find the phenomenon of leakage of bisphenol A. We found a very small amount of bisphenol A leakage in the cans that store food, but the degree of impact on canned food was extremely small. There are only a few billionths of them."

Local survey: Plastic milk bottles dominate the bottle market

Recently, the reporter found a good number of surveys in Guangzhou Tianhe Gangding: Most of them are local products. Four brands, namely, Aidili, Hatch, Lucky Star, and Pigeon Love, ranged in price from 15 yuan to 41.3 yuan, and plastic bottles took absolute advantage.

In Tianhe North Road, a specialty store for pregnant and baby products – Fu Kang, the reporter found that imported brands such as pigeons, Avent, Lierbao, and Li Qier had the upper hand. Each of them has a special counter and a large variety of bottle types. Prices range from $40 to $100. The happiness star produced in Guangzhou is a small number of in-store domestic brands, and the price is lower than that of imported brands, which range from about ten yuan to thirty yuan.

According to the clerk, the number of plastic bottles in the store has reached about 60%, and imported brands are relatively popular, and many products are word of mouth. Once a consumer enters a store, he or she is assigned to buy a brand of baby bottle. Although the clerk also heard that the customer was afraid that the plastic bottle was poisonous, many bottle labels clearly indicated the words “high temperature resistance, safe use below 120 degrees Celsius,” and “allow steam sterilization”.

Although most plastic milk bottles clearly indicate the product ingredients and methods of use, the phrase “plastic milk bottles are toxic” still makes consumers skeptical. In Fufukang, the two mothers said in an interview with reporters that under the premise of uncertainty, they would choose glass bottles. And now most products use tempered glass as a material, harder than ordinary glass, and not easily broken.

A clerk in the store stated that plastic and glass bottles have their own supporters and their usage varies. Glass bottles are more suitable for newborn babies, because mothers use more opportunities than babies, and don't worry about breaking easily. Larger babies can use milk bottles directly, plastic bottles are more suitable.

The clerk also specifically stated that plastic milk bottles are also safe as long as they are used in accordance with the product instructions. It should be noted that plastic milk bottles should not be directly sterilized in microwave ovens.

Mr. Qiu, who is responsible for the production of the bottle brand of the Atelier, said in a telephone interview with reporters recently that the current sales of plastic bottles are convenient and not easy to break. They account for about 80% of the market share, and glass bottles gradually fade out.

Next report: Plastic food packaging is prone to induce breast cancer

The latest US research shows that the ingredients in plastic food packaging may cause cancer. In a laboratory test conducted by researchers at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, juvenile rats were placed in an environment containing the plasticizer compounds BPA and BBP. It turns out that these two substances are environmental estrogens that affect the breast genotype through breast milk. Therefore, plastic products used for packaging foods and beverages also raise people's concerns, because sometimes they can penetrate through plastics and enter foods as invisible killers that induce cancer. Scientists also found that the effect was particularly pronounced after heating or plastic was old and scratched.

According to reports, BPA (bisphenol A) is a synthetic resin used in food packaging and polycarbonate plastic products; BBP is a plasticizer widely used in food packaging and cosmetics.

Tips: Carefully choose the color pattern more bottles

Experts from the Consumers Association of China reminded consumers that some brands of plastic baby bottles currently on the market contain color-bearing heavy metals, and consumers must be careful to buy them.

According to reports, the China Consumers Association recently purchased samples of plastic baby bottles from 17 brands of Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia and Germany on the Beijing market, and invited relevant parties to conduct comparative tests. The test results showed that although all the contaminant tests and heavy metal release of the bottle samples met the relevant standards, five samples were printed on the surface of the bottle to release lead and chromium from the color pattern. One Snoopy brand 120 ml color bottle, lucky star brand 250 ml high quality health baby bottle, apple brand 250 ml plastic milk bottle, reaching the brand plastic milk bottle 4 samples lead release amount exceeds the European toy safety standard 5-20 times, chromium Releases exceed 1-5 times the European safety standards.

According to experts, infants and young children often suck their fingers, so it is easy to bring harmful substances on the bottle into the mouth. Excessive intake of lead, chromium and other heavy metals in infants and children will appear mental decline, hearing loss, skin and respiratory ulcers. The expert said that it is very difficult for the bottle to judge whether the color pattern contained in the bottle contains excessive heavy metals. Therefore, consumers should pay more attention to the inspection report of the authoritative department and try to buy a plastic bottle with a small color pattern.

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