Want to lose weight, but do not want to be guilty of dieting, but do not want to sweat and sweat. Have you ever thought that walking can also make you lose weight easily? The correct walking weight loss method allows you to lose your body's fat in a short time . What are you waiting for such an unexpected easy diet?
The slow and slow rhythm begins with a heel movement, 4 minutes in a relaxed state, and the speed is maintained at about 80 meters per minute. Then, the foot is replaced, the movement is fast for 5 minutes, the speed is maintained at about 107 meters per minute, or faster. Repeat for 5 minutes to relax the heel pace.
踮 Follow the effective exercise part: the buttocks, the shins make a forward step, the right foot forward, the heel landing. Keep your body center of gravity steady when your toes are off the ground and your heels are crossed forward. The left foot quickly moves forward a small step, also keeping the heel landing. Stretch your arms for a swing and synchronize with your two-legged posture. Keep your heel movement for 1 minute, paying attention to the short and fast pace.
Toe-advanced effective exercise area: arm, abdomen, calf. The feet are separated by 30 cm, and the toes are quickly walked. Keep the center of gravity between the feet and move forward in a ballet-like manner. At the same time, both hands are lifted in the direction of the ceiling, with the doorpost potential as the initial position. Keep your arms bent and spread your hands to the sides of your body, parallel to your shoulders. Make a fist with both hands and move your palm forward. Quickly straighten your hands up and open your palms with your palms facing each other. Keep your toes on a one-minute walk and keep your hands moving throughout the process.
Balanced walking type of effective exercise: hips, abdomen, right foot step forward, hands straight to the sky, palms opposite. When the right foot falls, your hands stretch to the limit. At the same time, raise the left leg to the height above the hips or hips, put your hands down immediately, and place them on both sides of the left knee with control. Repeat the exercise, the left foot is landing and the hands are straight to the top of the head. When the other foot is raised, the hands are quickly placed on both sides of the left knee. Stick to the balance exercise for a minute, pay attention to keep your posture tall and straight.
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