RGB space uses sRGB CMYK uses US Web Coated (SWOP) V2 CMYK uses US Web Coated (SWOP) V2 CMYK space under the following printing conditions, using specifications specifically designed to produce high-quality separations with US inks: 300% overall ink coverage District, negative edition, coated publication-grade materials.
RGB0 = C75M68Y67 K90 (excluding the K component is the gray balance of CMY)
RGB28 = C72M66Y65 K70
RGB56 = C69M62Y61 K54
RGB85 = C64M56Y55 K31
RGB113 = C56M48Y47 K14
RGB141 = C47M39Y39 K3
RGB170 = C35M28Y28 (gray balance does not need K component anymore, removing K component is CMY gray balance)
RGB198 = C22M17Y18
RGB226 = C10M7Y8
RGB240 = C5M3Y3 (absolute net gray balance, below this component value, no dots can be seen in printing)
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