Many people pay attention to weight and price when purchasing strapping, which is actually wrong. The correct concept should be more than length, quality, price, and after-sales service. So don't just focus on weight. The most important thing is quality, length, and after-sales service. We will try to compare the following two belts so that everyone can clearly understand.
(Picture A) Core Tape (Figure B) Emmett Conventional Packaging Tape
[A section with a core belt] has a weight of 8 kg, a core weight of 2 kg, a total weight of 10 kg, a length of 500 meters, and a sale of 40 yuan/volume. The quoted price by weight will be 40 yuan and 10 kg, which is 4 yuan per kilogram. However, if you try to calculate it by length (40÷500 = 0.08), you can find that the price per metre is 8 cents.
[Type B is a PP strap (Emtech's conventional machine strapping belt)] With a weight of 6.6 kilograms, a core weight of 1.4 kilograms, a total weight of 8 kilograms, a length of 1,000 meters, and a sale of 65 yuan per roll. The weight quoted price will be 65 yuan and 8 kg, which is 8.125 yuan per kilogram. But if you try to calculate it by length (65÷1,000 = 0.065), you can get a price of 6.5 cents per meter.
From the above calculations and analysis, we can see that if we only pay attention to the weight and price ratio, it is very easy to be misled to use the A section more efficiently. However, if you look at the length to price ratio, you will know that the B section is more useful than the A section. Assume that one box of goods can be packed per meter, and only 1,000 boxes need to be loaded with a B section, costing 65 yuan. If you bring it, you will need to use two volumes. The cost is 80 yuan, and your price is close to 20%!!
In addition to considering the "length to price ratio", when purchasing packing tape, we must also pay attention to the technical support and after-sales service of the supplier. I believe most manufacturers will not have backup balers. Imagine if you want to ship tomorrow. The baler will suddenly be broken. What's worse is that the warranty period has passed, if your strapping supplier can provide Timely maintenance or opportunity services can help you smoothly ship, providing maximum protection for production shipments!
Through the above comparison, Wuhan Aimeite Company reminds buyers of two things:
Use "length to price ratio" to calculate which one has the most benefit, and of course, it is also necessary to pay attention to whether the pull force is appropriate; try to choose the supplier who provides technical support and after-sales service.With its many years of experience in the production of plastic packaging products, Wuhan Amytech has developed the most suitable high-, middle-, and low-end packaging belts for the market. The products include PP packaging belts, PET plastic strapping belts, strapping ropes and other plastic packaging products to meet different investment scales. Customer choice.
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Xuchang Le Yi De Import And Export Trade Co., Ltd. ,