The new generation CANOPY® filling and sealing machine for filling PET bottles, manufactured by the French company Serac, is a completely innovative machine. It is very different from the existing rotary filling machines. Practical, simple to use, and reasonably priced. Among the CANOPY® design concepts, Serac Corporation has registered a total of six patents. 
The mechanical part of the filling machine is located in the upper part of the top cover, the adjustment device is easy, and various maintenance can be performed at a height where a person stands, thus reducing the fatigue of the staff and the danger of work. In terms of floor space, the machine is half as narrow as a standard machine. Sensors transferred from the neck, redesigned, and the newly invented filling volume adjustment device, called Dynaflow®, reduce the size between the filling nozzles, making the machine's appearance more subtle and clearer. In addition, the machine itself also includes electrical cabinets and control panels. 
The use of CANOPY® filling and capping machines is easy. Just adjust the two parameters of the specified weight and filling speed to activate the machine. Filling and dispensing is performed through a sheet-like nozzle. There is no contact between the filling nozzle and the bottle to avoid liquid splashing. The spilled liquid will slip into a collection tank for easy cleaning. 
The attractive prices of CANOPY® filling and capping machines are more advantageous than comparable products with flowmeters. Its production capacity is to pack 18,000 bottles per hour and one liter bottle, suitable for filling water and cooking oil.
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