Yang Sheng Tang beef sausage packaging film

The main body of the package is an asymmetric structural high barrier functional 7-layer co-extruded blown composite film. The innovation of the film lies in designing the second, third and fourth layer of the seven-layer composite film as a balanced bridge structure, thereby effectively overcoming the defects of film curling in co-extrusion blow molding compound production and secondary processing. This type of defect has long plagued and limited the application and development of multilayer coextruded films. The solution of this problem will promote the progress and development of multi-layer composite processing technology.

Economical Style Chafing Dish

Economical Style Chafing Dish,Salt Stainless Steel Chafing Dish,Round Chafing Dish,Decorative Chafing Dishes

Jiangmen Junerte Stainless Steel Kitchenware Co.,Ltd , https://www.jetkitchenwarejm.com