The overall design plan of the 2D barcode military packaging warehouse system (2)

Three, two-dimensional bar code PDF417 in the military packaging warehouse management system use program

1. Program overview

Two-dimensional bar code military packaging warehouse management system is divided into two sets of systems: a certain military region operating system and various material distribution points operating system. Among them, each material distribution point makes daily monthly inventory and sales statistics. Through the network and the military operating system, the military operating system counts the material distribution points for inventory. The data is collected and processed accordingly to complete the materials. The distribution points report on the operations of their respective military regions, and the military regions can use this information to count information such as production, inventory, distribution, users, maintenance, etc., and to complete the statistical work of supplying and demanding military products.

2. System module

(1) PDF417 barcode format pasted on top of military material product packaging:

The code is 40mm long and 25mm wide. Include the following information (assuming an example):
Product Type: Howitzer Product Code: WWW222332WW014360
Specification number: xxxxxxx
Detailed product description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Production date: 200x year xx month xx day warehousing date: 200x year xx month xx day handler number: 0032
Team number: A, B, C
Generate two-dimensional codes according to national standards

(2) Operation of military material storage management system in each military area

Warehouse scans 1D barcodes and 2D barcodes: When military materials are stored, operators send product types, product numbers, etc. of military materials products to a 2D barcode production computer, which is then processed by a barcode printer. PDF417 Two-dimensional bar code, and then paste it on the packaging of military goods products.

Inventory: Scans the 2D bar codes on the upper side of the inventory of military supplies one by one with a bar code scanner. When the scan is completed, the inventory module can automatically make statistics on the inventory of military supplies and display all the specific information on the inventory, completely using the machine. Reading and automatic processing. At the same time, it can also inquire about the situation of storage and delivery materials, and can collect, sort and analyze the current inventory situation, optimize the inventory structure, and propose reasonable inventory suggestions.

Scan out the 2D barcode of library materials: When materials are needed for material distribution points, military materials need to be registered. Use a 2D laser scanner to scan PDF417 barcodes on the upper side of the instrument panel. The 2D scanner has an interface to the computer. The computer receives the information and sends it to the database through the LAN, updates the inventory, and sends the information to the distribution point where the material needs to be sent for acceptance.

(3) Management System for Material Distribution Points

Each material distribution point has a considerable scale of parking garages. Here, a computer network and a two-dimensional bar code reading system similar to the military area warehouse are established. After the distribution points of various materials distributed throughout the military region received military supplies from their respective military regions, they scanned the 2D bar code (PDF417) on military products with a two-dimensional laser gun and informed the headquarters information center through the X.25 remote network. To the following information:
Material type Material number Material specification Local storage date The local arrival date is compared with the material information sent by each military region, and the local storage information is updated after being accurate.

(4) System configuration

Hardware: Two-dimensional bar code Military packaging warehouse management system is a system composed of barcode scanners, computers, computer local area networks, computer remote networks, and bar code printers. All computers are IBM compatible, the network can be X.25, and Internet is available. Establish relevant local area networks in the military regions and their respective material distribution points. Each entrance of a storage and transportation center must be equipped with at least one bar code scanner LS4804. The barcode production center must be equipped with a bar code printer (eg, CANTECH series bar code printers).

Software: The development of the corresponding military material storage management system can be carried out, including two versions: 2D barcode military packaging warehouse management system for each military region version and 2D barcode military packaging warehouse management system material distribution version.


We believe that the successful application of 2D bar code technology in the near future will inevitably improve the efficiency of our military warehouse management, enhance the rapid support capabilities of vehicle materials under field conditions, and lay a solid foundation for the visual management of our military materials.

Xi'an University of Technology Liu Zhipeng Li Zhipeng

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