Research and Application of Biodegradable Plastics (I)

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the protection of the global environment, the construction of a resource-recycling society, and the road to sustainable development have become hot spots and urgent tasks in the world. Biodegradable plastics have been identified as environmentally low-load materials through the analysis of the product's entire life cycle. In addition, the main raw material of a considerable part of biodegradable plastics comes from agricultural resources that can be regenerated year after year. It has also become a globally recognized development trend as a complementary, non-renewable petroleum resource that is increasingly depleting and increasingly depleted. Therefore, biodegradable plastic has become a global research and development hotspot.

I. Overview of biodegradable plastic R&D production and application

In recent years, biodegradable plastics in several developed countries in the world have made great progress. There are data reports that biodegradable plastics in the world amounted to 35kt to 40kt in 2000. In 2001, the Polylactic acid (PLA) production line of 140kg from Ergill-Dow was built in the United States. Starting, the world's biodegradable plastic production will further increase. It is predicted that by 2010, a market scale of 100 kt will be formed. After 2015, the consumption of degradable plastics will account for 10% of the total plastic market. According to another report, the current annual sales volume of biodegradable plastics in North America is estimated to be 12.5 kt, and it is expected to increase to 17.5 kt by 2005, with an average annual growth rate of 7%. Among them, polylactic acid is the mainstay, and the annual demand will reach 12.5 kt.

The main market for biodegradable plastics in North America is bulk packaging materials. In 2000, the sales volume was 10 kt. By 2005, its annual average demand is expected to increase by 4.6 percent. The second largest market is compost bags. The sales volume will increase from 2.5 kt in 2000 to 4 kt in 2005, with an average annual growth rate. 9.9%; other markets are agricultural plastic film, hygiene products and coating materials, etc. The current market demand is less than 0.5kt, and it is expected to increase to more than 1kt by 2005.

Table 1 Overview of R&D and production of biodegradable plastics in several major countries in the world

Normal align=center> Production

Normal align=center> Country

Normal align=center> Production company

Normal align=center> Main ingredients

Normal align=center> product name

Normal align=center> Productivity

Normal align=center> (t / year)

Normal align=center> Category

Normal align=center> United States

Normal align=center> NOVON

Normal align=center> International

Normal align=center > Thermoplastic Starch

Normal align=center> modified starch /PE

Normal align=center> NOVON

Normal align=center> Degranovon

Normal align=center> 45 , 000

Normal align=center> Starch base

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