Hy-Bryte System New UV Ink Development Trend

First, what is Hy-Bryte ink

Hy-Bryte is a kind of UV ink, but it is not much different from other general inks in use. Can use general lotion to clean, do not need with special ink roller, blanket, plate and so on. Because it has a wide range of water supply amplitudes to obtain clearer dots and does not cause oxidized crusting in the ink tank, it is highly stable on UV printers and does not contain volatile solvents. The following table can clearly compare the difference between general ink, UV ink and Hy-Bryte

General ink

UV ink

Hy-Bryte ink

Drying speed


very fast




Very good








Special lotion


Ink roller


Special ink roller




No need to

No need to





Adhesion settings

Ink adhesion of Hy-bryte (representative value: Ink-o-meter 1min., 400rpm, 32°C.)





H type





N type





S type





L type





UV Ink N type





In the case of UV inks, Hy-Bryte has very good emulsification properties, which makes the adhesion value of the ink lower. The low adhesion value inks have higher performance in terms of transferability, ink receptivity and workability. It achieves the equivalent of using oily ink.

Impact on the environment

General ink

UV ink

Hy-Bryte ink





Metal salt

Cobalt, Manganese



Ink removal




NL standard

meets the

meets the

meets the


Ink flavor

With propylene

Have a faint smell



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Training Chair

A training chair is a seat designed specifically for activities such as training and meetings. It has the characteristics of comfort, durability, and ease of movement, which can meet the needs of different groups of people. Training chairs can be classified into various categories based on material, structure, function, and other aspects. Below will be a brief introduction to the classification of training chairs.
1. Material classification
The materials of the training chair mainly include metal, plastic, and fabric. Metal training chairs typically have strong stability and durability, making them suitable for long-term meetings or training activities. The training chair made of plastic material has the characteristics of lightweight and easy to clean, making it easy to arrange the meeting site at any time and suitable for use in multifunctional halls and other places. The training chair made of fabric has a comfortable sitting experience and good breathability, making it suitable for long-term meetings or training activities.
2. Structural classification
The structure of training chairs mainly includes single chairs, linked chairs, and foldable chairs. Single chairs are the most common training chairs, with each seat being independent and adjustable as needed. Chainage refers to the connection of multiple seats together, usually in the form of one or more rows, suitable for use in large training venues. Stackable chairs are training chairs that can be folded and stacked, saving space and facilitating storage and handling.
3. Functional classification
The main functions of the training chair are adjustable, rotatable, foldable, and storable. The adjustable training chair can adjust the height and angle according to personal needs, providing a more comfortable sitting posture. The rotatable training chair can rotate 360 degrees, facilitating communication and interaction with people around it. The foldable training chair can be conveniently stored and transported, making it suitable for use in multifunctional halls and other places. The training chair that can store items is designed with storage space below or behind the chair, making it convenient to store items such as stationery and documents.
In summary, the classification of training chairs mainly includes material classification, structural classification, functional classification, etc. Choosing a suitable training chair can provide a better user experience and improve the effectiveness of training and meetings.

Meeting Chair,,Foldable Chair,Customized Chair

Foshan Shengshi Zhihui Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.officer-furniture.com