Outdoor backpack is the mother of equipment because it is equipped with back equipment.
Backpacks have always played an important role in all stages of life. Elementary school clothes, pencil boxes, and large schoolbags for snack toys; rush to grow up, just take the first job and buy an outdated old-fashioned computer bag; or as a father, you need a bottle that can fit into the bottle. Milk powder daddy bag. Various forms and various uses, but generally speaking, the use of backpacks is mainly based on outdoor activities or tourism, and hiking is a variety of outdoor tourism forms, the most need to use backpack activities. Therefore, when people first came into contact with mountaineering, the first choice for most people to consider was the backpack. The backpack is the mother of equipment, because it is equipped with back equipment, it is very appropriate to explain the importance of the backpack in the entire outdoor activities.
To buy a backpack friend, each person's weight-bearing ability is related to their own muscle strength and physical strength. In addition to the difference in physical conditions, people feel comfortable with the back style is not suitable for their own, actually to the store to select and bear the weight back It is far more suitable than any highly rated or high-priced backpack.
The selection of mountaineering backpacks is a study. There are many parameters to consider. Before checkout, it is important to clarify the purpose of use and the size of the capacity, and to further subdivide it, according to the length of the spine or the width of the belt, or Divided into backpacks for men and women. Rock climbing, hiking, trekking, river running, and cycling, each activity has its own style, but there are also several multi-functional backpacks that can meet different needs. For example, a light-weight punching bag can also be used as a backpack for cycling. , And rock climbing bags are often used as a general hiking backpack. Confirming the purpose and purpose of the backpack can help you build your own prototype.
And pick a large capacity backpack? It should be the question that is most often asked and takes a lot of time to explain. Most people want a backpack with a capacity that can be used for any purpose. It is lighter, better looking, cheaper, but it ignores the options that really suits you. In fact, most people choose backpacks that are too large in size, resulting in wasted space or adding too much unnecessary items to add weight. Recommended for beginners to choose a backpack with a capacity of 40 or 50 liters. One- to three-day trips are suitable. The reason is that at the beginning, almost all of them participate in group activities. The burden of carrying public items together is relatively small; Understand packaging skills and equipment selection, 45-liter plus extended plug-in can meet the minimum demand.
The advanced donkey, it is recommended that each of the three different capacity backpacks be purchased one by one to meet different needs. A lightweight bag of about 18 liters, used as a light-loaded roof, can also be used as a small backpack for everyday use. Be sure to choose a lightweight model that can be folded and stored in large bags. A 35-liter up and down mid-sized backpack, with a simple carrying system, can withstand weights within 10 kilograms, and easy one-day or two-day itineraries can be applied properly. The last one is a heavy-duty pack with a capacity of 65 liters or more, suitable for trips of more than 3 days, with a limit weight of nearly 30 kg. If it is packaged properly and light-weight equipment is used, a long trip of 7 to 10 days can be completed. . However, the larger the capacity of the backpack, usually empty package weight is also heavier, if you want to go a little easier, you can choose a lightweight package style, weighing about 1 kilogram, lighter than the average large-capacity repacking at least more than half.
The capacity is also related to the weight that can be carried. Before buying a backpack, it is best to refer to the data provided by the manufacturer. Looking at a backpack with a capacity of 60 liters, divide 60 by 2.5 to get 24, which means that the optimal load weight is 24 kg. The optimum weight is on the limit, and I am afraid that it will not be too easy to carry it back. But even if the backpack's weight capacity can reach this data, it does not mean that you can carry this weight. The bigger the backpack is, the heavier it is, the more psychologically there will be plenty of room for it, and I have more thoughts of something, which leads to overburdening the body and affecting the journey behind.
And life is like a trekking that lasts for decades. Different people walk on different roads to undergo different tests. Some people go long and some others are short. Before reaching the end, everyone will encounter the towering mountains and deep valleys, as well as the flat grasslands and rainbows. But what we can do on our bodies is limited. If we can walk easily, why should we put so many heavy burdens on ourselves?
The quickest way to buy a backpack, please grasp the following principles:
First, only the brand of backpack or backpack accessories.
Second, the backpack has a size and sex brand.
A simple product line allows brand managers to focus more on what they are good at and do their best. The size and gender of the backpack, on behalf of developers who have different thinking about the physiological structure of people have different needs, in the details of the processing and adjustment will be compared to the general regardless of men and women's backpack to be intimate. To achieve the above two points, the quality of the backpack and the evaluation of the natural is no exception.
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