Adhesive properties and options

1, choose the principle of adhesive

(1) Consider the nature and hardness of the glued materials;

(2) Consider the shape and process conditions of the bonding material;

(3) Taking into account the load and form (tensile force, shear force, peeling force, etc.) to which the glued joints are subjected;

(4) Consider the special requirements of materials such as conductive thermal and high temperature and low temperature resistance.

2, the nature of adhesive materials

(1) Metal: After the oxide film on the metal surface is surface treated, it is easy to be bonded; due to the difference in the coefficient of two-phase linear expansion of the adhesive metal, the adhesive layer is prone to internal stress; in addition, the metal bonding area is easily affected by water. Generate electrochemical corrosion.

(2) Rubber: The greater the polarity of rubber, the better the bonding effect. Among them, nitrile chloroprene rubber has a large polarity and a large bonding strength; natural rubber, silicone rubber and butyl rubber have a small polarity and weak adhesion. In addition, the rubber surface often has a release agent or other free additives to hinder the adhesive effect.

(3) Wood: It is a porous material that absorbs moisture and causes dimensional changes, which may cause stress concentration. In addition, the polished material has better bonding properties than the rough-surfaced wood.

(4) Plastic: The plastic with a large polarity has good bonding performance.

(5) Glass: The glass surface is composed of a number of uniformly uneven parts from a microscopic perspective. Use a good adhesive with good wettability to prevent the presence of air bubbles at the irregularities. In addition, the glass is based on si-o- as the main structure. The surface layer is easy to absorb water. Because of the strong polarity of the glass, the polar adhesive is easy to hydrogen bond with the surface to form a firm bond. The glass is brittle and transparent. Select these adhesives to take into account these.

3, adhesive characteristics and options

(1). Connect materials with different elastic moduli and thicknesses, especially thin materials;

(2). Adhesive surface is smooth, good aerodynamic;

(3). Good sealing performance and good corrosion resistance;

(4). Extend the service life of cemented joints and reduce the weight of cemented joints;

(5). Low labor intensity, low cost, high production efficiency;

(6). Non-conductive heat-resistant and shock-resistant insulation, including:

a. The order of the flexibility of the modified epoxy resin is: epoxy-polysulfide> epoxy-polyamide> epoxy-amine curing agent;

b. The order of the flexibility of the modified phenolic is: phenolic-polyamide> phenolic-polyvinyl acetate> phenolic-epoxy;

c. Heat resistance of the main adhesive:

Highest heat-resistant adhesives Highest heat-resistant adhesives 800-1000 Inorganic 315 Silicone 540 Polybenzimidazole (short-term) 260 Phenolic-epoxy 480 Polyimide (short-lived) 200 Phenolic-N-butyl chloride; Epoxy-anhydride 400 phenolic resin (short-term) 150 epoxy-amine 360 ​​polybenzimidazole, polyimide 80 hot-melt type, epoxy-nylon d, curing temperature on the strength of epoxy adhesive

Curing Conditions Triethylenetetramine dimethylamine Propylamine Curing temperature oC 25 95 145 40 95 145 Curing time 3 days 15 days 30 minutes 30 minutes 16H 16H 5H 30 minutes MPa 8.2 11.9 22.4 24.2 4.9 5.9 22.8 28.6

e, adhesive strength characteristics

Adhesive Shear Tensile Peeling Winding Twist Rush Creep Fatigue Epoxy 0 # * * * * 0 * Phenolic Resin 0 # * * * * 0 * Cyanoacrylate 0

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