Elm name and usage analysis

The name of the eucalyptus is that there are evergreen tall trees (a few species are small trees), which can grow to 100-110 meters and up to 152 meters. It is the tallest tree in the world. Among the more than 700 known eucalyptus trees, the majority of the origins are grown in the Australian mainland, with a small portion growing in the neighbouring New Guinea Island and Indonesia, and one in the Philippine Islands. It was introduced to the rest of the world in the 19th century and is currently cultivated in 96 countries or regions. At present, Brazil is the country with the fastest development of eucalyptus, the highest level of plantation management and the highest utilization rate.

Elm name and usage analysis

Elm is a light-colored hardwood with a tight and irregular wood grain. The sapwood layer is relatively wide, white to pale pink; the heartwood is light brown red. Elm is a fast-growing material, not tough, light and easy to break. Other tough materials that are tough, smooth and heavy should be selected. Eucalyptus is widely grown in the southern and central United States and has many uses in the production of cabinets and furniture, especially for the production of antique furniture. When eucalyptus is planted, it will destroy the soil and water quality, making it difficult for the soil to grow other crops so that the water cannot be drunk. The furniture made of eucalyptus is harmless to the human body.

For the manufacture of furniture, there are “Ri Ge Nan” and “Australian blood sandalwood”. The wood grain is compact, the density is high, and it is not easy to be deformed after drying. It is the finest material for making furniture. "Ri Ge Nan" price is nearly 10,000 yuan a cubic meter, "Australian blood sandalwood" is more expensive. In addition, in the domestic, the physical and mechanical properties of the plywood made by "Yumu" are generally higher than the similar plywood made by other woods.

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