New Energy-saving and Environment-friendly Engine Oil Developed Successfully

Recently, the new type of energy-saving and environmentally friendly gas engine oil developed by Shanghai Hailian Lubricant Material Technology Co., Ltd. has passed expert appraisal and entered the small batch production stage.
According to reports, the technical performance of this type of lubricant is better than that of imported products, and it has the excellent feature of "three lows": low sulfate ash content, which can prevent the increase of ash content in gas fuel and lead to premature ignition of the engine and mechanical failure; and low phosphorus content. , It can avoid poisoning of automobile exhaust gas catalyst caused by high phosphorus element, exhaust gas pollution of the atmosphere; low evaporation loss, not only can reduce exhaust emissions, but also extend the use of time. The experiments carried out by the relevant authorities showed that the Santana limousine was used for 10,000 kilometers and the quality of the oil was still very good, fully complying with the technical requirements.
It is reported that Shanghai Lulian Lubricant Material Technology Co., Ltd. developed the lubricant, the price is 75% of the United States imported similar oils. In China, there are only 200,000 gas-fueled engines in Shanghai, Chengdu, Dalian, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chongqing, and the market prospects of the products are broad.

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