Translation: Steven Chen (1999/1/5)
Originally contained in: Climbing magazine 140 issue 1994
Francois Legrand (Wind and Wesley. Ruthhang) created his career as a sculptor sculpts his works. He has a unique vision and can always clear away obstacles that may obstruct his potential. He created an unrivalled record: three years of World Cup victory, two world championships,... But we only saw his performance on the rock wall, but he did not know his inner qualities. With many talents. Legrand said: "I am not a powerful person, so I develop my skills."
Although; Francois is only 23 years old, but he laughed with a deep wrinkle, he was light but not thin, his arm was soft and smooth, and he was not in tune with the blood vessels he revealed. When he was rock climbing, his relaxed attitude concealed his strength. When he was not on the rock wall, he was not relaxed and elegant. In August Francois went to the United States on holiday with his friend. They rented a station wagon and crossed the West Coast of the United States for two weeks. While climbing, he took a rest and took a two-day break. This was the first time he had missed the game in four years and traveled. For many Americans, this is the first time they have had the opportunity to see Legrand climbing. One day at Rifle, in the afternoon, Legrand had already climbed 14 pitches. Four of them were on-sight 5.13a and three 5.13b/c he tried on-sight; his interest was very high, and soon he was Having completed these routes, he almost on-sight a Slayer 5.13d at Cave Rock a week ago, but he crashed, then he continued to climb from the crash and climbed to the top. He dropped to the ground and after a ten-minute break, he redpointed the route.
Francois Legrand began contact rock climbing when he was five years old and climbing until the age of 12 had become his week-long activity, but sometimes he went with his family rather than himself. Rock climbing had taken up most of his time during adolescence. He began to be bored with going to school and spent more and more time rock climbing in the rocks near his home. In the end, he learned to limit his progress in rock climbing. Regardless of his family's opposition, he left the school to leave school. He bagged his luggage and hitched a ride to Plage in the south of France. He took the cave as his home for several years. He climbed in the south of France and made some progress. He can redpoint several 8b+s (5.14as) routes and even start playing. Legrad described his climbing career as being separate from his career. His climbing career began at the age of five, and his career began at age 18, which consumed his life.
Between the World Cup and the Master Circuit, there is only a gap of three months a year. And these three months are the most difficult training season for Legrad. When he trains for his own weakness, usually these weaknesses do not directly affect the performance of his game, but they can improve his overall skill level. Legrad doesn't want to be a strong climber. Strength isn't really important for the game. Endurance is, but if I watch the training of strength, I won't progress so fast, Legrad said. During the training season, he maintained his cardiovascular health with interval training and thoroughly implemented it.
Legrad kept his routine for climbing two days and taking a day off, even in race-intensive months. He said he likes rock climbing too much, so he doesn't want to take a day off. He only climbs one day and takes one day after some games. Most of the players rest for two days after the game, but he said: "This will make me dull and feel bad."
Regardless of his stage, Legrad remained positive and made a loud noise when climbing. It seemed natural to him. Do not know whether it is luck or something, he is almost no trouble with injuries, even though he does not even warm up every day. I'm professional, you see; if I only spend two hours running and stretching every day before I start climbing, then I might have climbed for two hours already. I don't have much time to waste, Legrad said. In addition, Legrad's attitude to the game is also different, he will not compete with others outside the arena. He said: When I went to the Rock, I went to rock climbing, not to compete with others, so if anyone wanted to compete with me outside the game, I would not climb with this person.
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