Paper tableware production process

— The origin of "white pollution"

It is well-known that plastic products such as disposable snack boxes are made of polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc., produced from petrochemical by-products. They are not easy to recycle, and the degradation cycle in nature is 200-400 years. If they are buried in the soil, they will greatly affect the acidity of the land, impede the growth of crops, be eaten by livestock, and the digestive system of the light will become ill. If it is burned, it releases a lot of toxic and harmful gases. Due to heavy use, over time, these wastes cause increasingly serious ecological environmental pollution, and grow at a faster and faster rate. They have become a kind of “white pollution” and a global public hazard that is plaguing our country and the world.

Before the use of aluminum lunch boxes in the railway trains of China in the 1970s, there was a large amount of cleaning work and hygiene was not guaranteed. Prior to 1987, the use of relatively rough cardboard, lined with a layer of plastic film, stapled and stapled paper lunch boxes, and the basic requirements of heat preservation, oil protection and leak prevention, apparently did not apply. In the early 1980s, the railway department introduced the first high-expanded polystyrene plastic fast food box production line from outside the painting to produce disposable lunch boxes, which are inexpensive, convenient, hygienic, heat-preserving, oil-proof, and leak-proof. Once available, it became popular and quickly spread to railway trains and fast food. However, people soon found that high-foam plastic fast food boxes were difficult to recycle, and burial or incineration caused serious environmental pollution.

According to relevant investigations, there are about 200 million disposable snack boxes in Shanghai, more than 400 million in the railroad sector, tens of thousands of plastic bowls a day in the streets of Dalian and Tianjin, and some small restaurants and restaurants in the Heping District of Shenyang. The push point has reached more than 200 million. The total annual output of rubbish for the railway passenger trains totaled 146,000 tons. The waste collected by the passenger transport department accounted for 35% of the total, and the remaining 55% were abandoned on both sides of the railway. The average number of lines per 100 meters reached 120. The previous sessions of the National People’s Congress have raised serious criticisms against the Ministry of Railways. After research by the state scientific research units on the recycling of plastic snack boxes and the degradable lunch boxes, 13 kinds of lunch boxes have been developed so far. 8 kinds of lunch boxes), mainly polypropylene degradation lunch boxes, polystyrene double-decomposition lunch boxes, starch-added polystyrene double-decomposition lunch boxes and pulp molded lunch boxes. The polystyrene double-degradable lunch boxes have good indexes, simple process, large output, and low price, but they lack the recovery value and the degradable effect is not ideal. The appearance of the degradable foamed plastic lunch box and the non-degradable plastic lunch box is not much different, and the non-degradable lunch box will be mixed into the market. Therefore, choosing pulp raw materials instead of plastics to make one-off snack boxes and other tableware can eliminate white pollution, improve the quality of the food industry, reduce the source of infectious diseases, and protect people's health.

Second, the rise of "green packaging"

How to control and eliminate this "white pollution" has become a hot topic in global environmental protection research. To this end, many developed countries and regions have already issued laws and regulations as early as a few years ago, prohibiting the use of plastic products to package foods and starting to study alternatives. Scientists and technicians in Japan, the United States, Austria, Italy, and Taiwan Province of China have researched and developed new packaging materials that are non-toxic, harmless, can be completely degraded, or can be used as renewable resources, and have been known as “green packaging”. Paper cutlery, as well as edible cutlery, cutlery made of plant material, and degradable tableware with starch as the main ingredient. The most widely used alternative abroad is: paper cutlery.

1. Cutlery made of plant material

The instant food utensils made from starch and grain shells and plant materials such as rice straw, corn stalks, and bagasse can be dissolved completely, and are non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and can not only rot in the natural environment, but also It can be used as feed for organic fertilizers and livestock, without any pollution to the environment. However, this study has not yet achieved large-scale production.

2. The degradable tableware with starch as the main ingredient can be divided into biodegradable tableware and light according to different degradation agents used. Biological double degradation tableware two.

Biodegradable tableware is made of polyethylene and polystyrene materials with additives and mixed with a certain amount of common starch. After discarding this dishware, it can be degraded by the environment under natural conditions. The first is to be devoured and degraded by microorganisms; the second is to be eaten by lower animals, insects, etc.; third is to be damaged by the a It falls until it is crushed, pulverized, and disappears. The entire degradation process takes about 300 days.

Light-biological degradable tableware is made by adding more than 50% of starch to polypropylene material, and 10% of photothermal depressant, and less than 40% of poly hydrocarbon material. After the lunch box made of this material is used, the starch therein is naturally decomposed in a few months, and the remaining poly hydrocarbon material can be decomposed into water and carbon dioxide within one year under the action of light, heat and electric depressants, and the decomposition rate can be Up to 100%.

Since the starch and the additives in the degradable tableware mainly composed of starch have no chemical reaction with the poly hydrocarbon material, the properties of the plastic have not changed. The only difference from ordinary foam snack boxes is that they are shredded by the action of starch. Therefore, this kind of degradable plastic is only used in foreign countries for the packaging of agricultural mulch, garbage and other non-food items. In addition, the appearance of degradable tableware is the same as that of the existing foam plastic lunch boxes, which is likely to cause confusion and cause difficulties in management and supervision.

3. Paper cutlery

Paper cutlery can be divided into pulp molded cutlery and cardboard laminating cutlery according to the different manufacturing methods. Pulp molded dishes are made from pure natural plants and pulp fibers. It has the features of strong plasticity of appearance, wide source of raw materials (grass pulp, wood pulp, bamboo pulp, eucalyptus, etc.) and low production cost. Its greatest feature is the selection of corresponding raw materials and processing technology according to different consumption levels: for export The high-end cutlery used in high-end hotels can be produced using imported high-grade wood pulp. The ordinary mid-range cutlery can be used for ordinary wood pulp, while the large-scale ordinary fast food can be used for reed pulp, white paper, etc.

The cardboard coated tableware is formed by laminating a layer of non-toxic and harmless PF on the surface of the cardboard. The product is the best among the newly-developed all kinds of tableware, and it also has other kinds of tableware that are not available. Unique advantages - the surface appearance of the tableware printability.

Paper cutlery has the value of being recyclable due to its own value, and can be recycled; it is easily degraded and returned to nature. If it is discarded in nature, it can be completely degraded into harmless humic substances within 7 to 15 days, and it is also degraded. In the process, there are no toxic and harmful substances left in nature; the appearance is exquisite and the price is relatively reasonable and many other advantages, is the world's recognized "green packaging", its performance is unmatched by other materials, the paper is widely used abroad. Tableware is pulp molded tableware and cardboard laminating lunch boxes.

Cardboard coated tableware
Pulp mould cutlery
Degradable plastic tableware
raw material
White cardboard
Pulp fiber
hygiene standard
Meets FDA standards
Compliance with hygiene standards
400 to 600cm3
Resistant to boiling water
Middle and low
Low profile
Catering method
it is good
Degradation time
14 weeks
32 weeks
50 weeks
recycle and re-use
Papermaking raw materials
Papermaking raw materials

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