11 ear pressure balance

Ear pressure balance is the most important part in diving. The following can teach you 11 tips. First, let's talk about diving physiology.

The middle ear cavity of the person is connected to the outside by the eustachian tube behind the throat, and the cavity is filled with air; when you dive, when you cannot smoothly balance the ear pressure (drum) in the middle ear cavity, the water pressure increases. Pressure, you will feel abnormal pain, but also easily hurt the vulnerable organizations in the ear, and you should be very clear in the divers training.

The most critical point in balancing the ear pressure is the ability to smoothly open the previously closed Eustachian tube, allowing high pressure air to enter your middle ear through your throat or nose. Most divers have been taught to hold their noses when they are balancing their ear pressure. This method essentially uses the power of air to open the Eustachian tube. Another good method is to use the throat muscles to pull and open your eustachian tube when swallowing. In fact, this action is usually done several hundred times a day. If you swallow your mouth water now, you will hear a "click" in your ear. That's it! However, for scuba diving, the pressure changes. The speed is very fast, and you must balance your middle ear pressure at any time according to the change of water pressure.

11 keys

Pay attention to the sound of swallowing water: When you do this action, pay special attention to hearing a whisper from your ears. That means that both sides of your Eustachian tube are open.

Warm-up exercise: If you're a person with poor ear pressure, you'd better start slowly and gently every few minutes before you go to the water and try to open your eustachian tube. Chewing gum is an excellent warm-up exercise because you will continue to sip saliva and balance your ears and ears.

On the surface of the water, ear pressure balance begins. When the middle ear cavity has not been compressed, it is best to balance the ear pressure. For most divers who have difficulty balancing their ear pressure, the dive who just started diving Whether or not the change in the pressure of the foot can be balanced is the most critical time. As long as the ear pressure is balanced on the water surface, it is usually possible to smoothly dive again.

Head-down dive: Studies have shown that more than 50% of divers have a smoother ear pressure balance as they dive under the head and feet.

Look up when you dive: Look at the water when you dive, because extending your neck can help to affect the opening of the Eustachian tube.

Use dive ropes: For divers who have not yet mastered the dive speed and neutral buoyancy, the use of anchor rope can accurately control the speed of dive so that the middle ear cavity will not be injured due to rapid pressure changes.

Constant balance: continuous balance of the ear pressure! For divers with poor ear pressure balance, I would advise him to keep the ear pressure balance, and do not wait until the ears feel painful.

If the pain stops: Your eustachian tube may not open under pressure, causing the diver to lose pressure in the ear pressure. At this time, stop the dives or try a few meters.

Avoid drinking milk before diving: Some foods, such as milk, tend to produce more mucus in the mucous membrane of the cavity, which can directly affect the opening of the Eustachian tube.

Avoid smoking or drinking before diving: No matter if tobacco or alcohol can make the mucous membrane in the cavity uncomfortable, it will also produce too much mucus, which also affects the opening of the Eustachian tube.

Keep the mirror clean: If you have too much water in your mirror, the water will stimulate your nose to produce too much mucus, but also affect the opening of the Eustachian tube.

The two most common methods of balance

"Hurry up! If you hear someone say this, then he may not understand the harm that might be caused by ear pressure balance." Rapid changes in water pressure can easily cause the eustachian tube to lock and fail to balance the pressure, and this phenomenon is very likely to cause damage to the film inside the ear. Divers, who often have poor ear pressure balance, are more likely to gain experience in this area and then help others overcome the problem of ear pressure balance.

Pinch the nose balance method: When you squeeze your nose through the skirt of your mask, use your tongue to top the upper jaw, because when your tongue moves, it will drive your eustachian tube, and your When the nose is tight, let the compressed air you have just inhaled to open your Eustachian tube to balance the pressure! Of course, a soft silicone skirt mirror will also affect the diver to balance, if you are not very easy to balance , you can consider a soft skirt for a try.

Swirl swallowing balance method: There is a better way to balance the ear pressure, that is, when you use the pinch nasal balance method, then swallow it again.

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