SINGULA 3D High Frequency Electromagnetic Solver

This article is translated by China Science Software Network

SINGULA 3D High Frequency Electromagnetic Solver

SINGULA is the best choice for high frequency electromagnetic analysis applications and is a complement to the world's leading low frequency electromagnetic design tools.

SINGULA software includes two methods of solving the method of moments (MOM) or finite element method (FEM). SINGULA is designed to deal with complex high-frequency electromagnetic problems in the crash of traditional programs. The obvious advantage of SINGULA is that when solving problems in open areas, the modeling of the boundaries must be precise.

SINGULA calculates near-field and far-field results, power and directional gain, radar cross section, axial ratio, and input impedance, admittance, and scattering parameters.

main feature

. 3D full wave high frequency field solver for various applications

There are no additional fees, SINGULA software includes:

Choice of solvers: To ensure your confidence in the solution and independent verification, both the boundary element method and the finite element method are included in the same package to meet your specific application needs. Not every solver is suitable for every application, there is no "universal solver".

Choice of optimization tools: Parametric analysis is for those users who need to use short-term learning curves to achieve fast and simple optimization. APIs and scripts give advanced users more privileges. Both tools are included in the same package.

Built-in material libraries: To make it easy for you to access the materials you need to use, you can customize and create your own libraries.

Integration with MATLAB: The user's MATLAB code can call API functions, build geometry, assign physical parameters, solve and get results.

Parallelization: Allows you to take advantage of the available RAM to increase the speed of your solution and post-processing when using a 64-bit computer.

The intuitive interface makes it easier to customize to the user's preferences (overall appearance, toolbar, solver, background, default, etc.).


High precision field calculation based on moment method (MoM) or finite element method (FEM).

Excitation sources include incident plane waves, lines, planes, currents, and voltage sources.

Magnetic permeability, dielectric constant and conductivity data are conveniently stored in the storage table.

H, B, E, D, j field and current density component analysis.

Volume and surface current density.

Near field and far field results.

. Radar cross section.

Gain, directivity and axial ratio.

Input impedance, admittance and scattering parameters.

Input power, dielectric and conductive power loss, radiated power and radiation efficiency.

Scanning technology solves single static RCS and saves CPU time.

Batch processing allows unattended resolution of multiple models.

Solver and meshing

SINGULA includes solution methods for various applications, and different solution methods perform different tasks in different ways.

Both BEM and FEM solution methods are included in the same package to meet your specific application needs.

The software package also includes a fast Fourier transform method and a physical optical solution method.

Adaptive meshing and user selection.

User-specified weighting factor: Tells the solver what area you are interested in, which produces better local results.


In the same package, SINGULA includes various optimization tools so you can find a specific design that works best for you: parametric analysis, scripting, and API. Parametric analysis is best for users who use short-term learning curves to achieve fast and simple optimization. APIs and scripts give advanced users more privileges.

The parameterization function allows the definition of variable parameters to facilitate design optimization by stepping through multiple "if" situations.

Script: Almost unlimited ability to explore design changes.


Create your own application and write specialized tools for specific tasks. When using the SINGULA program in the background, users can program and fully control their custom electromagnetic applications.

SINGULA's API allows programs to work together, such as MATLAB, Excel, and Microsoft Visual Studio, which work with our software in an interrelated environment. Other software tools can be used in the same way as the API.

Add a utility: Choose our unique custom mini-program to enhance your design capabilities.

Users with programming and/or scripting skills will find this to be a very powerful tool.

material list

Multiple material tables provide multiple integrated libraries. Customize and create your own libraries for easy access to the materials you use.

Analysis result

Audiovisual (AVI) files allow results to be displayed in animations.

The display form of various rendering results, including the number of scalar and vector fields, such as graphics, outlines, arrows, streamlines, scatter, and vector trajectories.

High quality graphics and text tools for writing reports and presentations

The data is exported to a spreadsheet and other package-integrated formatted files.

Extensive design evaluation and optimized post-processing options.

The efficient use of parallel processing in post-processing operations.

Various display forms, including outline or arrow diagrams, color bands, surface representations, polarities, rectangles and patterns.

Geometry – CAD function

Inventor-SolidWorks Solutions Partner

. SolidEdge – a partner for Siemens solutions

Autodesk Authorized Developer

. Partner Advantages of PTC Solver

. Microsoft partners

Intel Software Partner

. Tecplot partners

Industry standard CAD import/export utility provides time-saving convenience for model design and creation

. CAD repair tool that automatically corrects drawing errors

*.STEP, *.SAT, *.3DM, *.IGES and *.DXF file import options.

. Geometry tools for fixing common 3D CAD problems

. Ability to give geometric entity names


Antenna (unipolar, dipole, Yagi antenna, spiral structure, spiral)

Surface antenna (plane strip, spiral and reflector)

. Dielectric antennas on the infinite/limited ground plane (resonance and standing waves)

. Electromagnetic compatibility / electromagnetic interference interaction

Microwave circuit

Microstrip power splitters and filters

. MRI RF coil

. Power bus structure

Radar cross section

Waveguide filter and conversion

. Electromagnetic wave scattering of dielectric / conductor


. Electromagnetic effect of the human body

system requirement

64-bit operating system

Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or higher

Software installation requires approximately 110MB of disk space

3D program

At least 4GB of memory, if dealing with larger problems, will take up more than 12GB of memory; the more memory, the faster the processing.

Since 3D programs are multi-threaded, it is recommended to use a multi-core processor computer.

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