A few days ago, the American Printing Industry Association (PIA) announced the winners of the 2017 InterTech Printing Technology Awards. These award-winning printing technologies showcase the dynamic and innovative nature of the printing industry. The judges listed the award-winning technology as a model for true innovation and expected to have a significant impact on the graphics industry.
Color accurate packaging design solution
CGS Corporation ORIS Flex Pack // Web Visualizer is a proofing system for prototype packaging on flexographic, offset, gravure, and digital presses. Users can use ORIS color management system, Roland eco-solvent printer, ORIS XG (extended gamut) ink and CGS bottom plate, from 3D design to final prototype, can provide color accurate packaging design solutions. The judges believe that such innovative solutions can help small businesses achieve high-quality printing capabilities.
Faster production speed, lower energy consumption
Baldwin Technologies XP Series LED-UV curing units can provide faster production speeds, lower energy consumption, and overcome other challenges associated with traditional UV and IR systems. The patented optical system ensures uniform light distribution and the modular design makes it easier to integrate into new and in-use presses. The product's working time can last more than 30,000 hours without the need to change the bulbs often, while providing unprecedented cure consistency. A judge commented: "This is definitely a leap forward for traditional UV curing technology."
No need to reprint test charts
ColorLogic GmbH's ColorAnt 4.0 improves the quality and reliability of ICC profiles used in color management workflows. It measures color targets for inkjet, offset, and flexo, and more importantly it can detect and correct measurement errors. The judges believe that ColorAnt 4.0 has the ability to edit primary colors without having to reprint another test chart (especially important on the packaging), make corrections according to G7 and industry standards, and support all popular measurement devices.
Simplify flexographic platemaking steps and improve plate consistency
Esko XPS Crystal is a UV LED exposure system. The unit provides an unprecedented level of automation that can integrate digital imaging and UV exposure into an automated process. LED UV technology can perform both positive and negative UV exposure and digital control simultaneously to achieve new exposure accuracy. Esko's innovation has been unanimously praised by the judges. The system not only simplifies the flexo platemaking process, but also improves the consistency of the printing plate.
Eight-color printing, variable data
The Gallus Labelfire 340 is a label printing device that allows producers to print UV inkjet labels on one print. The press integrates a flexo and screen printing unit and provides an inkjet printing unit capable of 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution for variable data printing in label production. The Gallus Labelfire 340 can be printed in eight colors at speeds up to 164 feet per minute. From this device, the judges saw the influence of a mixed printing device on the production line at such a high speed.
Independent operation, monitoring and adjusting print quality
Heidelberg's PrinectPress Center XL 2 with the Intellistart 2 smart system changed the way the press operates. The system is able to perform autonomous job changes, monitor and adjust the print quality (activate the paper counter once the color reaches the preset setting), stop the print job when the required amount is reached, and start the next one once the new paperboard is automatically installed. operation. A judge said: "Push to Stop" is a new printing method, which greatly improves the printing efficiency.
Simplify the process and automate production
HP PrintOS is an operating platform with a range of Web and mobile applications that help print service providers achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness from HP printers and printers, simplifying processes and automating production. PrintOS is for HP device owners (with active service contracts) and they can choose to use applications that optimize device operation. The judges felt that PrintOS and an affordable array of applications were particularly helpful and attractive to printers that did not currently have production management software solutions.
Significant increase in printing speed and resolution
With unparalleled innovations, the judges saw a significant increase in print speed and resolution for the 40-inch HP PageWide inkjet rotary press T490HD – a custom press that combines the capabilities of traditional color offset presses. Users can use inkjet heads of 1200 nozzles per inch and print speeds up to 1,000 feet per minute. Impressively, the device can double the resolution at a slower speed with an inkjet head equipped with 2400 nozzles per inch.
New viewing performance
The JUST LED moduLight dual light source D50/D65 technology uses precision-manufactured LED arrays to reproduce different parts of the spectrum. This is the first LED color viewing technology that can achieve the certification required by the ISO 3664:2009 standard. Integrated hardware, software, and optical technologies to achieve consistent and consistent CIE D50 and D65 light sources. The judges believe that the JUST LED moduLight product line has reached a new viewing performance.
Wide range of paper adaptability
The Komori Impremia IS29 is a 29-inch sheet-fed UV inkjet digital press that can print up to 23 inches by 29 inches at speeds of up to 3,000 sheets per hour. It has the advantages of product reliability, high quality, a wide range of paper adaptability, and also has a UV curing function. Users can produce "visually indistinguishable" print quality while printing variable data. The perfect function of IS29 makes the judge think it can be easily integrated into the existing sheet-fed workflow.
Accurate register
The MGI AIS Smart Image Scan Registration System is a new JETvarnish 3D registered solution that can be used for offset, flexographic and digital printing. MGI AIS intelligent image scanning and registration system can effectively deal with the registration problem caused by the image's global or local deformation, distortion and skew. It eliminates the need for markup and performs an overall scan of each job object to achieve accurate registration. A judge commented: “Waste is a luxury. SmartScaner uses an innovative approach to avoid this situation.â€
High visual impact hologram
The Scodix Ultra Pro digital foiling effect printer can print eight different special effects. The judges were shocked by the uniqueness of this device. Scodix Braille provides visually impaired people a better way to read through creative digital enhancement solutions. Scodix Crystals forms a pyramid-like crystal-clear UV polyester on a printed sheet by superimposed printing, and the 3D effect is remarkable. Scodix Cast & Cure creates holographic images with high visual impact for users, adding new dimensions and value propositions to printed products.
Let inkjet printing have the printing quality of offset press
Web Screen Truepress Jet 520HD Continuous Paper Inkjet Printers can be up to 20 inches wide and are targeted at the commercial printing, direct mail, and publishing printing markets. It can reach the printing quality of the offset press (1200×1200 dpi) at the highest printing speed. However, the judges focused their attention on specially developed ink systems. The system can provide 520HD owners the ability to print directly on unprepared offset coated paper, using exactly the same paper as the offset press currently in use. The customer confirmed this breakthrough technology.
Improve digital press image quality
Image Test Labs - Image grading system provides companies with a way to evaluate and enhance the image quality of digital presses. With the help of the Image Test Lab system, the printed proofs are automatically analyzed, and an evaluation report of the A, B, and C ratings of each attribute on the proof sheet is generated. After comparing the report with a similar press in the database, it is possible to print more precise prints by modifying the printing parameters.
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