Fake and shoddy products have continued to be banned in China for a long time. They have caused no small impact on famous products, seriously disrupting normal social and economic order. Faced with this dissonance in the market, both countries and manufacturers are using all kinds of anti-counterfeiting techniques to try to prevent the products from being counterfeited and counterfeit. In this environment, printing anti-counterfeiting technology has broken through the past mainly used in banknotes, cheques, bonds, stocks and other securities, and has become more and more widely used in the field of commodity packaging.
Anti-counterfeit printing integrates multidisciplinary technical knowledge such as optics, electromagnetism, chemical engineering, machinery, and computers. It is a cross-cutting discipline and a model of combining technology and art. Modern anti-counterfeiting can be achieved using various materials and methods such as paper, ink, optics, magnetic code, and even nuclear track technology produced by the principle of nuclear reactors. Among them, the application of ink anti-counterfeiting technology is the most common.
Ink anti-counterfeiting technology is the addition of special substances in ordinary ink connecting materials, after special processing and become a special ink technology. From the principle of product anti-counterfeiting function, the currently widely used anti-counterfeiting inks have the following 10 categories: UV fluorescent inks, daylight laser color-changing inks, thermal security inks (thermochromic inks), reaction color-changing inks, metachromatic lasers, and intelligent Anti-counterfeiting ink, multi-functional or synthetic anti-counterfeiting ink (laser hologram plus fluorescent anti-counterfeit ink, flop-inverted ink) and so on.
The world's packaging and printing counterfeit products grow at a rate of 20% each year, while anti-counterfeiting products only increase by about 8% per year, and there are relatively few anti-counterfeiting technology products in China. Not long ago, the Ministry of Railways decided to change the new ticket, in which the ink is intended to use thermal inks from Mark Thermal Marks. The company's thermal technology and ink ranks in the world's advanced level and is widely used in various anti-counterfeiting labels such as coinage, certificates, and cigarette packets. An important reason for relying on imports is that there is still a certain gap between domestic anti-counterfeit inks in terms of variety and quality compared with foreign advanced levels.
According to incomplete statistics, the current annual sales volume of anti-counterfeit printing products (excluding special anti-counterfeit products such as RMB and certificates) has increased from tens of millions of yuan in the early 1980s to nearly 10 billion yuan. The large demand for the defense technology product market in our country and the speed of development are amazing. However, some ink anti-counterfeiting technologies, such as fluorescent anti-counterfeiting inks, thermal and pressure-sensitive inks, etc. have been used for many years, and anti-counterfeiting technologies have basically no safety at all. Anti-counterfeiting functions have been basically lost, and they are mostly used for silk screen printing, and the instability of performance is limited. Its wide application. The above situation shows that in the future, the research and development of anti-counterfeiting inks will need to be combined with many other technologies such as optoelectronics and digital technology, increase the content of anti-counterfeit technologies, continuously push new products, and realize the diversification and integration of anti-counterfeiting functions.
Source of information: pack.cn
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